
Not to me, I've got a wife and two kids.

I'm not entirely sure what a hipster is but I think they're very sexy cameras. I just can't bring myself to drop 6 large on that when I can get an S95 for about 1/2 that. Am I missing something or is the most appealing feature the retro styling?

That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard of in my life! That's the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage!

Exactly. My junk is not THAT small, I just have "pretty big hands".

Almost as bad as the stereotyping pricks in...where did you say you were from again?

They did it with Nick Fury.

WiMax & LTE both have major coverage areas and problems getting a strong signal indoors. I didn't think LTE had building penetration issues like WiMax, but my experience with a Verizon LTE MiFi says otherwise. In my experience Verizon LTE does have slightly better coverage and higher speeds but I'm also comparing a

I learned everything I need to know about your government by watching the Star Wars prequels.

Then if they started committing crimes in this future utopia we'd just thaw out Sly Stallone to stop them Demolition Man style.

Hulk Got Your Nose!

TDS, Colbert & Tosh are all worth watching in my opinion. I don't really need cable, I'd be happy with Comedy Central, ESPN & HBO.

You can wear them over your glasses, it'll work ok. You might still get a headache but 3D gives me a headache regardless.

We have a large ESX environment at work so we setup "workstation" VMs in the ESX development environment, then just RDP or SSH to those. When I need to use vSphere or Visio (really the only time I need Windows) RDP to an ESX VM on a fast server with fast storage is MUCH better than a local VM on your desktop machine.

...and he would have gotten away with it again if it wasn't for you meddling kids.

Especially if I had Princess Ariel & Ookla to keep me company!

Seriously, if you're getting this butt hurt over this article you should just stick to Engadget. You'll love it there.

Bias? Read the original article, that's where the 350M number came from.

Agreed, Arya's story is probably my favorite in book 2.