
You always have rights, but your rights under the UCMJ are not the same rights that normal citizens enjoy.

I guess I'm the only one who thought the "White Cheetah" looks like a cheetah head photoshopped on a lioness' body? OS X 10.7 - Chlion

The problem here wasn't the Green Lantern, it's just that they made a crappy movie. With the right script and filmmakers you could make a good movie with ANY of these characters. Marvel has done a good job the last few years of getting good scripts as well as good directors on board that care about the characters.

FACT: Any technical person that has ever supported an end user has referred to them as dumb fucks at some point.

It's supposed to be like that, so if you were to stitch them all together you'd have one big image. Also the bleed over let's you know there's something there to swipe over and see, otherwise it wouldn't be very intuitive to try and go left or right.

I love WP7 (I've had iPhones & an Evo), but if I were you I'd wait until the new handsets arrive after mango hits. Depending on what Nokia does it may be time to upgrade from my Focus.

I learned that lesson the hard way...by watching kung-fu panda.

When I first got a smartphone (especially the iPhone) I used to use apps a LOT, but I think the novelty has worn out and outside of built ins (mail, browser, music player, etc) I only use a couple of apps on a regular basis:

And the fact that these two seem to collude to screw over the consumer. Free market my ass. AT&T - "We're getting rid of unlimited data!" Verizon - "Well we could keep unlimited data to compete more effectively OR not."

IBM Global Services is huge, but IBM still has a massive portfolio outside of services - hardware platforms (os/400/power, Zseries-frames), operating systems like Z/OS, AIX, OS400, Databases and middleware (websphere, DB2, MQ). IBM is still a huge global tech company with (last time I checked) over 400,000 employees,

I use glyde.com to buy & sell used video games. The turn around is slow, but I'm just getting around to God of War III so really not a big deal.

Pink Lady, Gala & Fuji are my favorites...and the little granny smiths.

You do realize you're here with us, right? And I like to think I live in both places at once.

I use Pixelmator, definitely worth the $30 in my opinion. In terms of features it's mid-range, but has 90% of what most people probably need.

Just go to Amazon and you can get a Samsung Focus for a cent (as well as others). They've been running that for a while, I got my focus a couple of months ago with the same deal.

I agree to all of these to differing degrees except for 3D. I really don't think anyone gives a shit about 3D. The biggest issue is the marketing, the previews just weren't very interesting. Until it started getting good reviews this one wasn't even on my radar.

There are multiple good hangover remedies that I've used. A big greasy hamburger, a bloody mary (or just spicy V8 if you don't have the rest handy) or menudo.

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It's not a matter of support, I'm not going to go throw my PS3 in the trash. In the big scheme of things online gaming is probably lowest on the list of things I use my PS3 for. I can honestly say that this outage hasn't made me miss it at all and just makes me realize I don't need that Plus subscription.