
The problem is that even though we see it as "Sony", the people running the different divisions, servers, etc see it as PSN/Games division, Movies, Music, Electronics, etc. That PSN hack had nothing to do with these guys as far as they were concerned, they are probably a different group of administrators that are

I was using an Evo 4G. It was a decent phone, but the battery issues are what finally did it in. I'm on WP7 now and like it pretty well. Mango + Nokia is definitely exciting though.

Some of my favorites that aren't on the list...

So if this takes off all I need is Google Driver's License and I don't need to carry a wallet at all anymore. That would actually be awesome.

So it should be my responsibility to go around the block to the guy with the loud Harley and have a fruitful discussion about why I think his motorcycle is too loud and after we have a polite, adult discussion he'll get new pipes installed? When you finish getting your utopian society setup without any government

So I'm obviously a dumb ass that has no idea what he's doing because I didn't have good experiences with custom Android ROMs? Cyanogen is one of the most popular ROMs on XDA-devs but by no means was that & MIUI the only two I tried. At one point or another I tried quite a few ROMs out there, and some ran better

I would define "good UI design" as something that is intuitive. I gave my mother-in-law my wife's old iPhone and had her up and running in a few minutes calling, texting, etc. She is NOT tech savvy at all and picked it up very quickly.

I'll say I never really noticed the iPhone notification system much until I've used Android & WP7 for a while and now I go do something on the wife's iPad and it stops everything to tell me it's her turn in words with friends. VERY annoying.

I really liked the voice recognition on Android and found that it usually worked very well for everything except for names in my address book.

I agree with most of these except for numbers 4 & 5. I never found custom ROMs stable. They seemed to reboot my phone at least daily (a shame because I really liked cyanogenmod). I don't really get MIUI, because that just makes it feel like an iphone and seemed to make lots of other Android features either

You probably want to go to Hulu Plus, not Amazon if that's what you're looking for.

I think a big part of it was that fact that the trailers were pretty bad. I wasn't excited about Thor (and I loved Thor comics growing up), but then all of the good reviews started coming in. I ended up really enjoying the movie (as did my wife and son). Just goes to show that Hollywood can screw anything up, even

My seven year old boy really dug Thor. The only content he had a problem with was the kissing. That made him cover his face.

I've been trying to tell the ladies that for years. Unfortunately nobody is buying it.

It's because Android doesn't have a common DRM platform.

He's not saying that you shouldn't blame Sony, just that they aren't alone. You should NOT trust ANY company that you're giving your information to online. These breaches happen all the time and many are just not as well publicized. Just because other companies haven't been hit (yet?) doesn't mean they aren't

This wasn't about the CC numbers if this was Anonymous. This was about GeoHot.

You make a very valid and scary point. This was almost guaranteed after the GeoHot incident. The fact is that if a group of skilled hackers with enough time on their hands decides to target you, more often than not, they will succeed.

This guy hit the nail on the head. In a perfect world would all external facing services (ssh, http, etc) be patched with the latest security updates all the time? Of course. Unfortunately in the real world we have to actually test patches, deal with change management and keeping large environments up to date all