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All they need now is a Canyonero in the driveway.

I completely agree with you. You don't win by picking a couple of dark horses that make it to the sweet 16 or elite 8, you win by picking 2-3 teams that make the final 4.

It's not just this.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! I think you hit the nail on the head exactly. Kids today have micro-attention spans. My kids start going crazy when they have to sit through an ad, they literally don't know what to do with themselves for those 3 minutes, because they're so used to just streaming without ads, or

WP7 is really nice, I think too many people are dismissing it without giving it a chance. I had never used a Zune (never even seen a Zune HD in the wild), so until I got my Focus I was probably just as guilty as dismissing Zune as Microsoft's me too attempt at an iPod. It's still in it's infant stages, but as

I like the Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers. The Orange ones are good, the green ones are hit & miss, the blue ones pretty much uniformly taste like shit. They heat up pretty evenly, no fuss (stir potatoes after 2.5 minutes, rotate meat, etc) and are ready on 5mins or less. Quick, easy & cheap.

The most important thing to keep on hand are firearms and lots of ammo. That way you can take whatever you need from your neighbors. You could be the warlord of your subdivision until order is restored in the next week or so.

I don't think that we need more HP nor do I doubt that you see excellent fuel economy on your 10+ year old Honda (that's aimed more @ Dimensiation). I was simply pointing out that comparing a 10 or 20 year old auto to a current one is like comparing apples to oranges. They're very different animals.

It was easier to be fuel efficient back then. Today's Civic has 2x as much horsepower, weighs 500lbs more due to additional safety requirements and has stricter environmental requirements.

You are correct. My old lady is definitely not my mom. #corrections

It wants to be everything, and you're right, it doesn't excel at most of the things it tries to do. The reason people use it is because all of their friends are on Facebook. Is Flickr better for sharing photos? Sure, but it doesn't integrate with every smart phone and my family in 4 states won't get the picture as

For that sort of command where you know what it is you want to do and just need syntax reminders use -h or —help instead of full blown man. The lack of examples in GNU man pages is one of my big annoyances with Linux. On most unix systems they include all the standard man pages, then quite a few useful, real world

I think you meant "Hairy Potter"?

I agree that for most consoles you're probably looking at around $100 of added cost. The problem is that "most people" are kind of lazy when it comes to this sort of purchase and will just walk into Best Buy and get whatever the sales kid tells them ($50 Monster HDMI cable - check). When you use common sense and

Hence why there was a single mention...I hadn't checked Giz today and was glad for the reminder too. If it doesn't interest you, why bother to click & comment?

One thing that I've been curious about with Debian based distros is how do you handle builds in a large server environment? Clone (ghost, clonezilla, etc), manual install? I love kickstart because I can easily tweak lvm, etc for a particular disk type and use shell/python on the post to do any type of customization

RHEL/Cent is much more stable than Fedora, but on the flip side they're much slower to roll out new software and their repos don't have nearly the selection of Ubuntu.

IBM DBA? Maybe DB2?


Hurt Locker was preposterous. The things that Jeremy Renner's character did just made no sense. No way a serviceman would have pulled half that shit without at least an article 15.