
@Hvedhrungr: You wouldn't have to buy all new devices, there would still be USB2.0 ports.

@SilverKitsuren: different one altogether...that would be the sammich trophy.

@OkayOctane: Drive-by: When random people come by your desk and ask you to do them something.

@HideyoshiJP: I can at least agree on this, that McDonalds is probably the wrong place for government to step in. They need to do this in school cafeterias. When sodas, french fries, candy and chips aren't options, they'll make better decisions.

@GasGuzzler: My wife got a ticket for right on red. She didn't come to a complete stop, but they had it all on video and there was nobody coming and nobody was in danger. If there was a policeman there I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have cared in the least.

@AMGkiller: I think you're missing the point. The tax revenue is when they sell it at the 7-11 and they tax it like they currently tax cigarettes.

@HideyoshiJP: That's exactly my point. We need to educate the next generation so they're not a bunch of fatties like our generation.

It really helps to have a boss that has been in the trenches before. Ours prefers that we work from home when we have a big project, that doesn't require hands on time in the datacenter, so we don't get distracted by too many drive-bys.

This is why when we take our kids out to eat we go to Chick Fil A or Subway.

@Crrash: Based on the signs in the back ground I don't think that picture was taken in America. Thanks for the (mostly deserved ;-) stereotype.

@SkipErnst: When do we draw the line? When their 10 year old weighs 200lbs?

I'm truly ashamed of how much I love this sandwich. One fake rib, pickles, onions and sauce on a sesame seed bun.

@Arvin Dang: But what are the odds of someone having more than one Apple product?

@MattSTKC: Exactly, saying someone is an idiot because they don't understand exactly what the Android warnings mean isn't very fair. It's not always clear and even apps I know are reputable sometimes have odd permission requirements.

@CptnGrammar: IMHO the iphone 4 camera is better than the Evo or Epic (galaxy s). No idea about the Nokia.

@Nassin: & gives me a reason to subscribe to Hulu Plus.

@InsidiousTuna: Compendium one is the way to go, the first 50 issues in one volume. I think I payed around $30 for it.

@meggush: It's like when the dead mother tries to go to the house...the theory is that they still have little memories from life. I think Romero touched on that in the original Day of the Dead.