
Red Dead Zombies, just in time for Halloween.

@Brian DuBois: Good point, I guess you aren't peers if you're always the one pushing.

then having an assistant push the SUV to the nearest stripping point.

Extended Controls for Android is awesome. If you don't have it, jump on it.

The Road - I can see us getting there one way or another and I know people would resort to that. No happy ending, nothing positive what so ever. It was a good movie, but it made me feel like shit if that makes sense.

Very cool app, the sort function is sweet. Sort tasks by CPU or Memory utilization, sort apps by size, etc...very nice.

I've had several different routers, and personally I'll take an Airport/TimeCapsule any day of the week. It works great with Macs, PCs, Game Consoles, and the list goes on & on.

@freedomweasel: Yep, I guess you can, but you have to export it through Quicktime, instead of into iTunes directly. Thanks for teaching me something new. Amazing what you can learn with Google and 5 minutes worth of time.

@freedomweasel: HD support is the bigger deal, the big bag of hurt is just wishful thinking. A boy can dream, can't he?

@philaDLJ: Yep, I had to read the title twice too.

Ok, the Oblivion comment has officially gotten you demoted from Professor to student aid Gizmodo.

@kiwis3: Yep, sudo is there as is most of the GNU user land. OS X is running a BSD kernel, and in my opinion is the "best of both worlds" workstation. MS Office/Outlook integration, but I still have my bash shell with perl, python, nmon, ssh, etc that I need to do my job.

@MSgtSimon: Administrators will have root or can usually find a way to get a root shell, it's up to them to use sudo as a best practice, but it's hard to enforce if they have pretty wide open sudo access.

@Duc: Quite the opposite, sudo is there so you have accountability when you have multiple users with administrative privileges.

Office is usually overkill, but I prefer something like TextWrangler for these kind of quick notes. TextEdit is REALLY bare bones.

I would make two points about iPhoto:

Biggest benefits for me were Outlook with Exchange 2007/2010 integration and Sharepoint integration. As a Unix guy working where we have mostly MS backoffice, Office on Mac is the best of both worlds.

@geekymitch: I know they sell PSone games in the playstation store for a couple of bucks so I don't think you could completely rule them out here. I'm not sure if they're PSP compatible or not as I only have a PS3.

@Grindhouse Murders: 3rd party developers make games for sony platforms all the time, so sure they'll allow "non-Sony games". The point is to be able to play games like the PSP version of God of War, Gran Turismo, etc instead of just Angry Birds and...well, there aren't many good Android games out right now.