
@Lazzzara: I know I am, but I increase it naturally...by watching porn.

@Timmy: I'm still not sure that Gizmodo is Cheetos target audience...seems like they should move these shitty ads over to playhousedisney or something.

@DirtyDogg: I think IBM might disagree.

@smellslikeshark: Oracle, Siebel, MySql, Sun...they have a pretty large portfolio. Databases are still their bread & butter.

@HiAperture: 10:10:10 10/10/10 not good enough for you?

@Augureone: When you make the "stupid Americans" comment can you at least include what country you're from so we can mock it in return?

@brijazz: but 4 years is crazy...and not being able to find work for someone that worked at McDonalds isn't the same as a 6 figure CCIE.

@Pope John Peeps II: I seriously doubt he stole them...I can go into supply closets around here and find tons of very old decommissioned hardware. I promise there's nothing nefarious going on, just too lazy to throw the shit out.

@josh.e.stroud: Most marketing people I know are prostitutes.

@Gigglebox: nope, it's one of the xacti waterproof cameras that dropped a while back. I just submerge it slowly per the destructions, other than that nothing special.

@Winston Moy: 5 trillion bytes = 4,656GB...so yeah.

@Gigglebox: I don't take mine in the pool much, but it's nice when it rains, etc I don't sweat it.

notifications in an app are pointless if clicking on said notification opens the link in a web browser...why wouldn't you do everything in the app?

@Svirfneblin: Oh, I completely agree. I was just making the jokes. People taking antibiotics for the common cold/flu is a major issue.

@Svirfneblin: Personally I think the ones that need personal water filtration devices are the ones that are idiots.

@cc: The big difference here is that it is self powered, no batteries required.

@DaveExile: ok, this was the first time I ever laughed at a right click joke...

@scoobydoo: whoa, whoa...slow down. I thought I was just required to RTFA, not the source material ;-)

You're running this "story" off of one guy's billing? It probably WAS email or something of the like (picture/video sms, etc).