In other words she really wanted to wipe her ass with it. I have serious issues with Pelosi but this is probably the most badass thing a Democrat has ever done.
In other words she really wanted to wipe her ass with it. I have serious issues with Pelosi but this is probably the most badass thing a Democrat has ever done.
The baller move was her statement about ripping it up: “it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative.” God DAMN!
By riling up Trump’s base, she managed to take Trump’s SOTU address and get conservative media outlets focusing on her instead.
Cutting ties? Easy peasy.
Like Irina, when I have been “done”, I am done. All of my serial monogamy relationships including a 20-yr marriage were ended, on my part, in about a day. I have never backslid or wavered once it was over for me. A clean break on my part, not always on theirs, but I put up with a lot of bullshit prior to the break.…
danksgiving am i right?
“the Queen lightly slapped him across the face”
Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.
This will get buried in the greys, but whatever.
As someone who has never watched this show, never will, and cheered when I heard it was going to end, this is the content I need.
Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?
Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?
This is so stupid. #justiceforthebees
wait what?? Polls already closed? I can’t even vote for Indoor Wellness plumbing.
Doesn’t it look like he signed Melania’s name too? It’s kind of like my nephew, who used to sign the name of everyone in his family (and the dog, with a pawprint, of course) on every card he sent. He was very excited about writing.
The scene: A food blog
What is your rarefied ass doing read the weekly “Will It Casserole?” column? We can probably learn to live without your hot taek.
what the fuck is wrong with you
One of the many sad, infuriating things about all of this, is how many women; actresses, directors, producers and writers, left the business because of Swinestein and the men like him? How many great stories have we missed out on?
It’s both.