
Look, if you haven’t figured out I’m an idiot by now, that’s on you.

“Inarguably inferior Croatia side”?? What??? This is a team that survived two straight penalty shootouts before this game, destroyed Argentina like a college football team destroys a high school freshmen team, kicked the hosts of this World Cup out of the tournament, has an amazing amount of experience in

Hard pass. I love Jim Sturgis, but I am exhausted by all the doom, gloom, amorality, apocalypse as entertainment. It does nothing to help me cope with the real shit outside my door. I watched Altered Carbon, and god it is just awful humans forever...

This is a special time in history. Gay and alt-sexual people are being portrayed positively and broadly throughout media, a fact I’ve been applauding since long before Priscilla, and women are getting more dynamic roles as the heroic ones who create the resolution, rather than just the MacGuffin of love stories.

After reading this, I can’t help picturing Stannis as Henry Blake, with his trusty corporal (Ser Davos) by his side.

Aggro Aubergine?

Iron man. Iron Man

Scientists have now confirmed reality has fully breached the Strangelovian Barrier.

Simple explanation: Imagine you have a giant pile of cookies. Like, a million cookies. More cookies than you will ever be able to eat in your lifetime. Enough cookies to build a life-size replica of the Eiffel Tower built entirely out of cookies. You have, in case I am not making it clear, a shit-ton of cookies.

Don’t agree with that. I felt Logan had motivation and the depth of previous films to understand why he was doing what he was doing. Besides, Children of Men didn’t have two Clive Owens with adamantium claws fighting each other. That would’ve been awesome. : )

I think we can establish that the Chiss had some ethnic variants as well. There were the Cheddar Chiss, the Swiss Chiss, the Parmesan Chiss, and Thrawn was, of course, Blue Chiss.

This is why I sleep with a parasitic wasp in each ear. Once that cockroach crawls in, he’s in for a BIG surprise.

I thought you were a peddler of street food?

heh. My wife is a critical care paramedic who gets peed and vomited on fairly regularly. She frequently has her hands inside people, etc.
She loves her job and is great at it.

Better than Huge Assman, at least.

Am I the only one who sees NPH in all of those costumes and keeps just thinking it’s Barney Stinson doing a bit?

I agree with everything you wrote, and I also think you are history’s worst monster.


"My physical therapist wanted to try using kinesiology tape on my knee to help stabilize it"