
They didn’t make it for you, they made it for kids. The original teen titans was also for kids who have since grown up, but some of them can’t grasp that a new generation has something made for them.

Pig latin?

Wrist joint replacement is a thing already.


Well to be fair we want to use the Euro, the EU is not taking us into schengen and eurozone just yet

They should have used it to put the moustache back in. Different styles for different scenes. Handlebar superman, poirot superman, magnum PI superman...

Davos and radar both have deformed hands. You may be onto something here

With denny crane

The Ninth Amendment declares that there are additional fundamental rights that exist outside the Constitution. The rights enumerated in the Constitution are not an explicit and exhaustive list of individual rights

Seems he did a lot of surgeries that others wouldn’t do. Good press but there was a reason others wouldn’t do them and he had a lot of bad outcomes

Where do you think i get my ingredients from

I’m a surgery resident. I dry heaved at my kids diapers a few times

Have you never heard of bats getting tangled in your hair?

In some countries it’s pay them enough so they hopefully don’t use the position to steal for themselves

Last one is missing my favorite bit

There are doctors in the comments here. We absolutely should dismiss him as an idiot.

Well we kinda are plumbers. And i agree on internal medicine witchcraft

For me it’s the mesentery being a new organ