Take my stars

It’s pretty depressing to see how the Right has succeeded in turning natural allies into enemies. Plenty of gay people and feminists have subscribed to the same conservative ideology over this issue. Especially the completely nonsensical argument that the existence of a tiny, tiny number of trans athletes somehow will

For those who don’t speak Yiddish, it means “A lick and a whiff”, or something insignificant. So why does. That make you root for management?

There is no anti pick me. These are all just regular pick-me types, the common theme being, “hey guys! I’m not like those other girls! Look at me!”

Fuck. The internet is so exhausting sometimes...

For the same reason that you come here to troll, I guess. 

Spears continues to blow this nothingburger way out of proportion.

Agreed. The tone of this website is truly insufferable. Petty, obvious, bitter, cliché, far from funny and a long way from the nuanced, thoughtful Jezebel of old. I actually feel bad about myself when I come here, and ridiculous condescending, “stories” like this remind me not to give them my clicks.

The writing on Jezebel is so bad and so shallow that it’s a shock when something is actually good: this is not that. There’s nothing wrong with a man avoiding a town he dislikes and basing his home elsewhere, or-uh-an English person wanting to live in England. But what can you expect of a woman who seems to believe

That was a weird take.

This is probably an unkind thing to say about someone I never met, but I’m kinda glad her mom died too.

Why are you conjuring up a hypothetical for others to weigh in on when the context here makes it perfectly clear that, house party or no, Hill had every reason to need to check in on someone’s age?

Respectfully, I think you’re missing the point. Even if we give Jonah Hill the benefit of the doubt and assume he reasonably believed that Alexa Nikolas wanted to be kissed, it was his legal and moral responsibility to take reasonable steps to determine her age. He was at best negligent and at worst explicitly aware

People are not being “punished” for their race. The world has been inherently unfair for generations and, either we do the hard part of balancing the scales, or we just let it fester.

However at my job an acquaintance has a kid who is brilliant. 36 ACT, top of the class, chess champion, and they’re Asian decent. He was worried that his kid wouldn’t get into Harvard because so many Asian kids have the exact same scores and they limit based on race. Kid ended up getting in but the fear is not

Should a person be punished for their race?

He was worried that his kid wouldn’t get into Harvard because so many Asian kids have the exact same scores and they limit based on race. Kid ended up getting in but the fear is not unfounded.”

...that shows the fear was 100% unfounded. This is not the complexification you thought.

Vanna White working that long and steadily and not receiving a raise is terrible, regardless if we are talking about millions or single dollars

Fuck Uncle Thomas. Talk about permanent victimhood. He benefited from affirmative action, and has spent his entire career trying to destroy it because some racist white people insulted him over it. His response to white supremacy isn’t to try to root it out (which affirmative action does) it’s to embrace it to further

This Court has been nothing short of a horror show of ethically flawed behavior and a dystopian interpretation of the Constitution and its application to everyday life.