
I still love Break, Blow, Burn with the fire of a thousands suns.

oh my god! and I thought I knew everything supernatural fandom had to offer... It just never lets you down, does it? (For a definition of 'never lets you down' that means: never fails to shock you.)


Have you seen the remake that Kimberly Peirce directed? I loved the original so much I'm scared to see it.

Ant Timpson is running a competition to make a low budget horror right now in NZ. Among the 12 finalists, 6 have women writers or creatives. I know cause I'm one of them. If you want more women writing and directing indie horror, please take a look at my project and (if you like it) then 'like' it for us on facebook.

Oh god, I am so relieved it was a joke.

Yes, I know. But his daughter taught me how to make mayonnaise, meringues, roast chicken, pudding, how to create flavours, . I love her.

Nigella pretty much taught me everything I know.

Jeff Goldblum is an extremely attractive man.

Gretchen looked classy right up to the point where she gave Glamour screen shots of her phone and a photo of the card.

Hi Jenna, I've always loved reading your posts here, whether they be DIY or fashion. You'll be missed by the lurkers too! Best of luck with your MFA and your future.

This actually makes my icy heart melt. Plus the guy has a lovely voice.

The tone of this article is just so nasty and knee-jerk on every level. Oh Jez.

Hmm. I had to watch it three times before I noticed the wedding rings.

I read the salon story and some of her blog yesterday. I agree she missed the point of modesty. To me it would mean thinking less about your appearance and clothing/presentation, and more about your inner life, work, contribution to the world, other people etc. Instead she literally became obsessed with how she looked

I ate some yogurt while reading this article.

Also, I can't help thinking that if she was a less conventionally attractive woman she would not be receiving this level of idolization.

I totally understand why the world is going crazy for Wendy Davis. But isn't this part of the problem? Here's a woman who is a serious and committed politician, and instead of letting her be what she is, we're trying to turn her into a cross between a celebrity and a saint. No one is perfect, everyone is human. She'll

Awesome day North America!

I'm the kind of person who confidently thinks I only have 8 pairs of shoes, but when I count it's more like 25.