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    There's a Buick Pontiac GMC dealership nearby with an obnoxiously huge banner that reads SUPPORT AMERICA, BUY AMERICAN!!! and a crying bald eagle in front of a flag. It fits nicely over the faded PONTIAC lettering.

    Oh good, just in time for my vacation to Ravenholm.

    Alright, a free CB400F!

    Attention, Jaguar: this better be your next marketing campaign.

    They bred a finer class of criminal in the 1930s. Vicious, but stylish.

    Cool, a comment from 2002 somehow escaped the time portal and landed here through the ether.

    As a 1937 Saoutchik Hispano-Suiza H6C Dubonnet Xenia Streamliner owner, I feel what you are saying. Being a 1937 Saoutchik Hispano-Suiza H6C Dubonnet Xenia Streamliner owner, I often feel exasperation as to what Hispano-Suiza could have continued to become. While I love my 1937 Saoutchik Hispano-Suiza H6C Dubonnet

    I think the CHINESE-built CHINESE transmissions FROM CHINA that were built in CHINA by the CHINESE are at fault here.

    Now playing

    And the terrible Youtube video to go with it...

    Behold, the greatest legacy of the space program!

    Well, first have a cigarette. THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES.

    I should have meant, company-wise. Lots of major corporations have to bend around Apple's tough rules just because they want a chance to target the people who use their products.

    To be fair, everybody is Apple's bitch.

    The 2011 Toyota Camry SE EVP2 was a bitch. And I spanked it.

    Still looks like he's walking into a wall.