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    Needs more lions.

    I had a Ford simulator on a floppy disk in 1988, which made up a massive part of my childhood. Came with technical data of the entire lineup from Aerostar to Tempo, and even included a cheesy racing simulator. More screenshots here: [hooniverse.com]-%E2%80%93-or-an-education-in-motoring-significance/

    Still moving faster than 405 traffic.

    Looks like a 747 mated with a Stairmaster. Looks like a GT-R mated with the drum set from "In The Air Tonight." Looks like an angry blender mated with the starting lineup of the 1989 Cincinnati Bengals. Looks like a Grumman LLV mail truck mated with Mickey Rourke.

    Could not be reached for comment.

    A public service announcement.

    "...Burma Shave."

    Man, tell me about it. All those orgy posts and it turns out to be a bust. Where else am I supposed to go to have anonymous group sex with strangers?

    The H-Dog approves, yo.

    Too bad it's clogged with slowpokes on Harley trikes and the Tennessee DOT grass-mowing crew.


    Pff, that's easy, that's a Lincoln MK- wait, which car?

    Jarrod McKinney has checked into THE SKY on Foursquare.

    It's a crime that there's no higher-res wallpaper version.

    Imagine if this guy had Mass plates, it'd be all "OBAMA IS A QUEEAH."