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    @longdx: That "small company" was none other than Mosler Motors, he of the MT900 and the 2012 presidential bid. I remember reading about it in Car and Driver as a kid...

    This guy must be real fun on forums.

    Oh, it's an Audi commercial? I thought it was from the California tourism board.

    I see Telstar Logistics has acquired a new "fast-response" vehicle.

    @VeeArrrSix: Hey! Those are cool!...well, they were, for about 2 months after 9/11.

    What's with this veiled animosity against "muscle car guys?" Are all car enthusiasts compelled to take sides in a Crusade of imports vs. domestics?

    Now playing

    @pres: If I ever had that much money, I would buy one and immediately build it. Screw the collectors. I'd pull a James May on this one.

    Still my favorite car movie, and my favorite poster:

    I really want to watch "Hot Car Girl." The title really says it all. Maybe Michael Bay should title his next Transformers movie that, then less fanboys could be disappointed.

    Meh, I'll start "Cars for $500" and make way more money peddling wrecks to aspiring LeMons teams than those jokers.

    @layabout: Damn, that's beautiful.

    A 1959 Plymouth crashed into a Super Guppy. It gives me, to quote Mr. May, "a fizzing sensation behind my penis."

    Tye then took the money and bought a burgundy-red 1971 Lincoln Continental Mark III, where he was shocked to discover heroin in the rocker panels.

    @layabout: Are you Jeremy Clarkson in disguise?

    @ColonelGentleman: Since when? A few of my old pirate sets still come with revolvers.

    @støke has the whole seat, but only needs THE EDGE!: It depends on how far from civilization you can get from. There most likely won't be thousands of zombies in the Mojave Desert, for example, and with the right resources a large, well-equipped vehicle can ride it out for weeks there.

    Not even Hogwarts is immune from the undead horde.

    @DoctorNine: Yeah, but can he do it with his JUNK?