Yeah, that'll learn 'em! Wait.
Yeah, that'll learn 'em! Wait.
"Hit it!" Dear God, it's like a Pavlovian instinct to run and hide every time I hear that bass line get sharted out of some marketer's wet dream. It's like somebody vomited in my ear canal, and no matter how much I go at it with a Q-tip I still can't get out the remnants of Keystone, Jager bombs and dollar cheese…
Hey girls, wanna come invade Czechoslovakia with me? They got great big utopencis.
@ThnderbltDoherty: Any dealeah! Anywheah! On a new Dodgeh oah Ramblah!
Blake Edwards? The guy that directed the Pink Panther? What would Peter Sellers' ghost have to say about all this?!
@HoonThatFerrari: Damn, it's gonna be like Bonfire of the Vanities except about dealership scams instead of racial tensions. And set in Kentucky. And absolutely nothing like that novel at all.
I doubt there's going to be a political discussion to ensue in this post, since Godwin's Law already was invoked from the beginning.
Hello, novelty stretch limousine!
That one dot in front of the D makes it look like a guy in a wheelchair who fell forward. Hell bus or not, I can't help but laugh.
@BlueRSX: They have plenty of disposable income?
To quote my creepy old former Scoutmaster: "the other two seats are where the laaaadieez go."
@PatFromGundo: Hey, Jack Donaghy is not the problem here. He's just in charge of microwaves.
@Russter: Now standard on all Dodge Nitros!
@KeyserSoze - Professional Blog Commenter: Those practically come standard on Jeep Wranglers. I can't remember the last one I saw that didn't have one.
Top Gear Top Tip: don't go to Glenn Hyundai!
Shh Matt, don't give them any ideas. They ARE German, after all...
Well, that's awkward.
Just that one section of Mexico and already there's more interesting cars there than I see in a week.