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    "Sorry, ma'am. I guess I'll behave now. Yes, I'll be going up to my room now."

    @pauljones: "It's not like we go and make those comments on Jezebel."

    Ugh, I can totally sympathize. I'm tired of filling up my $38,500 tires with air extracted from the lungs of newborn babies, so sometimes I have to send Miguel up in my high-altitude balloon with a vacuum pump to extract low-density nitrogen from the mesosphere, then filter it through Taylor Swift's panty drawer

    I love Dale Earnhardt Jr.:

    "How hard could it be?"

    Wow! Check out the stripes on that awning there!

    Signs this is the new Chrysler: had the UAW been involved, some disgruntled assembly line worker would have sealed a cat inside a quarter panel with a handwritten note that says, "purrs, don't it?"

    Am I the only one here that thinks she's kinda hot? Anyone? Anyone?

    My dad somehow ended up with a white Sebring convertible as a rental once. He parked it at home for a few days, and I had to spray the garage down in a HAZMAT suit to get out the stench of failed corporate product planning.

    Great article. And as the owner of a 1976 Honda CB550F (it's almost complete, I swear!), I concur with everything you've said.

    Oh, fantastic. Because I always found it difficult to bump the giant, console-invading shifter at my elbow about 0.5" forward.

    Sounds like my type of girl.

    So from now on, anything GM does, whether positive or negative, will be labeled "YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK?" Is this the precedent that's been set?

    Clicking "Full Size" on those pictures takes on a whole new meaning.

    Speaking of shit, people still use AOL?

    @lenhoff.alex: Ok, ok, it was a joke. I hope I never come across you at a party.

    What, nobody's posted this yet?

    Your full of shit, Mat, its obvious too me that their is nothing wrong hear.

    "Save the Penises?" Will that be the next great Jalopnik shirt? And will anybody buy one besides Charles?