@Ben Wojdyla: You know what they say about the Internet, it's serious business. Keep on truckin'.
@Ben Wojdyla: You know what they say about the Internet, it's serious business. Keep on truckin'.
The Germans, copying the Brits? NOW we've truly won the war.
"Get out of the way, woman! You're covering up the condition of the 60/40 split folding rear seats!"
And if it was a Jeep 4.0, a GM 3800, or a (insert indestructible engine here), it'll still be running.
I got pulled over in a 1988 Buick LeSabre once. The cop was finishing up giving a ticket to another guy when I blew past him on a curve a little too fast, and in my rearview mirror I saw him dash back to his cruiser. So I did the only reasonable thing to do, and floored it - right through a yellow light. YEAH, I…
Meh, needs to be 10 feet longer. With moar chrome. And a humidor in the glovebox.
Wait, people still care about the New York Post?
Nah, Ben's kidding. Hipsters don't know anything about cars. That's why they plaster their grandma's '92 Camry with Conor Oberst stickers.
Some of my friends went on a roadtrip this summer and stopped by at the world's biggest ball of twine. Here's their picture: #roadtrip
No, it's clear from the sign that they're banning "pickups Fieros." That obviously means they hate ElCamino'd Fieros, and regular ones are okay. #carwash
@Richard Cook: Christ, your post makes me want to stab my eyes out. Your mother/middle school teachers clearly failed at something to see you type like that. THEIR, not THERE. Capitalize. Spell somewhat correctly. Don't comment like a dipshit.
I've ridden the Skinkansen in Japan from Tokyo to Osaka. Leave it to the Japanese to whisk you along at 4 miles a minute and make it feel utterly safe, unobtrusive, and even clinical. It's brilliant. #rants
Jeez, this guy's the Viva La Bam! of the automotive world. Now I just think he's taking the piss.
@Seasonone: It's fun to comment on entries without reading them, isn't it? #policecars
It would be even better if GPS systems gave long-distance directions in the style of jaded commuters. "A'right, so ya take the Green line 8 stops ta Chicagah, transfah ont'da Teal line t'wards New Orleans fah one stop, get on da Red line going ta San Fran, look fah Echo and head to Rivahdale on the Blue line. You can…
We're teaching kids to take public transportation while they're in Driver's Ed? That's like going to Blockbuster to rent a movie and being told to read a book. #michigan
He could always, you know, go to Starbucks. #bikini