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    Great article, Ben. I can really feel the resentment between the lines from years of witnessing smug Left-Coast elites advocating something they don't know a damn thing about. If some pretentious kids straight out of journalism school said that plowing down my hometown was a good idea, I'd have a more difficult time

    And they had the good sense to set the typeface in Eurostile, I believe. Many Japanese companies love that font; Honda is obsessed with it. Take a look at the Engine Start button on the S2k, for example.

    Honda Civic tailights and Teddy Roosevelt? Now I've seen everything. #localmotors

    @vwminispeedster, pronounded Si-trow-in: They'd probably make a short film out of this and encapsulate it as a metaphor for the death of the auto industry and the need for green viable sustainable modes of arrrrggggghhhhijusthadananeury.... #detroit

    "Have you ever thrown a dump truck out of a fourth-floor building?"

    @mannondale: I think they're lacking a lot of things in North Korea to the point that a driving test isn't exactly an issue. #baddrivers

    This sounds like a movie with Jackie Chan and Eddie Murphy. #chinesecars

    *sigh* Man, that is not helping our stereotype. #baddrivers

    Now all it needs is some Turbonique!

    I think Tom Waits is feeling bad about missing a certain phone call and an ensuing advertising opportunity. #chrysler

    But think of the benefits! All those Russian pirate radio stations he could tune into! #chrisradosciontc

    Well, that worked well. #seibon

    I'm rather unimpressed by those rear humps - it seems like an idea that worked better in theory than in execution. And the convertible top is the most awkward-looking thing since the Murcielago Roadster's glorified hairpiece. #porscheboxster

    So let me get this straight. Jeep will get a small SUV (not Wrangler), a slightly bigger SUV, their big SUV (Liberty) and their really big SUV (Grand Cherokee)? Isn't this what got Jeep in trouble in the first place?

    Great, now I get to complain that I liked LeMons before they sold out to corporate shills. #chrysler