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    As the former editor of a college newspaper, I have to sympathize with the people that come up with these headlines. It's always a pain in the ass when it's 11 o'clock and you and your 3 co-workers are trying to come up with something catchy and attention-grabbing, which always results in 1.) a groan-inducing pun or

    It could be worse, they could be using Comic Sans.

    @UDMan: Check the CSRSL, just added a few from your team.

    @Fading Captain: The VW Fox guys were nuts. Every time that shitbox turned a corner it always lifted a wheel, like clockwork. It was both death-defying and spellbinding to watch. Also, one of the drivers had to put on lederhosen and a skirt as one of the penalties.

    The #46 Plymouth Laser gets bonus points for shearing off its lug nuts early into the race...

    @combat chuck: In fact, if you gave me a military chopper and let me blow stuff up, you wouldn't be able to wipe the smile off my face. Also, nice comment/avatar synergy there.

    Oh, and $38 thousand, four-hundred and forty-four for this thing? Your kids are not that special.

    Bring back the ZIL 40147, dammit!

    To be honest, it doesn't look that bad. The side profile is shapely only because the rear wheels look big enough not to be casters, and there isn't 20 acres of bodywork between the top of the wheelwells and the window frame.

    We can't stop now. We're on a mission from God.

    @justsomereportingguy: Never said they weren't great cars, just that they're expensive as hell. I mean, $60k for a Cayman? Add a cupholder and brushed aluminum shift knobs, and the price jumps to $90k or so?

    Replace "Craigslist" with "eBay Motors" and you've nailed down my addiction.

    See, this is why I think Forbes automotive lists are about as well-composed and relevant as a medieval court jester at a Metallica concert. Two Pontiac G6s? The Colorado AND the Canyon? A pair of archaic Fords that haven't been sold new since the Reagan administration? A niche-market Wrangler? They still build the GMC

    They forgot one overpriced vehicle: every Porsche ever.

    Just an FYI, when I was in Shanghai I stumbled upon a Jaguar store hawking man purses and other cheap tat. They had a striped Jaguar polo for the princely sum of, wait for it, $200 American.

    @mytdawg: Granted, if it was an XKE then he should be allowed to park anywhere he wants...and maybe somebody should spike his coffee with laxatives just out of principle for being a dick.

    These would have come in handy for the Daewoo Lanos I saw last week stretched in the middle of two spaces in a crowded parking lot that I couldn't find a spot in myself.

    @Jagvar: I bought my Honda CB550F motorcycle on eBay. Drove 10 hours to Ohio to get it in another story of adventurous automotive hilarity. Since I was planning to rebuild the entire thing anyway, I can't exactly compare it to buying a car to actually use every day.