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    Boy, that $2.99 gas deal Chrysler had last year sure sounded like a deal, huh? Now it'd just be a clusterfuck of taxpayer money involved, or something.

    AMERICA, fuck yeah?

    @dculberson: Then, as this poor bastard proved to us, it's hilarious.

    @Flathead Smith: Agreed. I'm glad chivalry (common sense, more likely) isn't dead in the world of Jalopnik.

    I thought it was called "Anorak," like the British word for creepy nerds who wear huge coats.

    Hey, I used to collect stamps as a kid too! All the cool kids did it. The losers went out and played JV football and tried to score with cheerleaders in their jacked-up pickup trucks. (And I'm from Massachusetts.)

    @UglyDuckCar: Wow, I guess Wert really wasn't kidding about disemvoweling.

    @jduffy13: And don't forget to stop by Belchertown on the way there!

    @jodark: Driving sideways rules, no matter where you come from. And I was being sarcastic with that last line.

    @Flathead Smith: Rear ender? In that case it'll need to pass through San Francisco first.

    @Hello Mister Walrus: Like most Asian countries, traffic is constantly flowing and nobody stops for anything, so if you can't handle crossing the street then you're fucked. China is better in this regard than those videos of Vietnam and India I've seen; at least China has stoplights.

    Keeping with the Project Car Hell theme, the sediment on the bottom is actually rust flakes and the bottle must be decanted in a tub of Rustoleum and bondo before drinking.

    I got off the plane around midnight and no one spoke as I crossed the dark runway to the terminal. The air was thick and hot, like wandering into a steam bath. Inside, people hugged each other and shook hands…big grins and a whoop here and there: "By God! You old bastard! Good to see you, boy! Damn good…and I mean

    Separated at birth (sorta):

    @blah blah blah: Anybody in favor of abusing Sebrings is alright with me.