That third guy makes us college students look bad.
That third guy makes us college students look bad.
@CoЯiolis Eff Smites You With The PoweЯ of BuЯbeЯЯy: And since you can dig up cardboard from recycle bins, it's sustainable!
@1dollar93: And make sure the house is in Detroit so nobody notices.
@Ash78: I didn't even know you could do that with a can of Sprite and a midget in a tiger-striped leotard.
The "House of Donuts" was awesome.
@komododave: You look very toit. Yesh, toit like a toiger. Yesh.
The 80s was a pretty bad time for car design.
@Syrax: Funny, that color doesn't look as sensual on our old 1996 Nissan Sentra XE.
No remorse at the R34 GTR, but furious at the Studebaker? Jalopnik: Where We Have Our Priorities Straight.
@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: Good call on the Sailor Jerry - I just un-heart-clicked you so I could heart-click you for that again.
@jodark: I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw 28 Days Later as a documentary.
Not that it's anything new with Shelbys...
@.thrfvsvn gt Brbrry bnhmmrd: Maybe the driver parked across 4 spaces.
Shun the nonbeliever! Shuuuun!
I sense a future LeMons punishment here.
That old Landy is perfect for plowing across Kelley Square fearlessly:
@jodark: It's the only reason why Accordforall hasn't been banhammered yet.
I remember being a kid and thinking that the light-up "PONTIAC" script on the back of the Sunfire was the coolest thing ever. Of course, I was pretty easily impressed at the time.