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    From the GTO page: "But those Pontiac-emblem-shaped marker lights will still look cool when mesh-tired Pontiacs are driving on the Moon Base."

    The Chief Wiggum quotes begin now:

    @tonyola: And Nickelback! But we're keeping Rush instead because they're awesome.

    What they don't know actually is that the Stig is a gay, transsexual black Jewish woman with disabilities.

    Am I the only one that likes it? I've always wanted to drive a spaceship. It looks like something Boba Fett would hijack.

    That "Spider" one is great. How many kids are going to know what a Giulietta Spider is?

    @Forgetful: 12345? That's the combination on my luggage!

    I aspire to own a batshit impractical first car just like Ralph Lauren. Now there's one guy who knows where his towel is.

    What, you think customers at that price range aren't going to already know whether they want a Ferrari or Aston? It's not like they're cross-shopping safety features or anything.

    @TR3-A, @tomlewis: Hey, old people don't know how to use the Internets! Don't you have lawns to kick kids off of?

    @Unregular: While this debate IS pretty fascinating, you don't really need to get personal.

    Whatever. Every car looks like every other car on the road. No designer lives in a bubble.

    See England? That's what you get for the Opium Wars.