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    The Chinese build a Rolls knockoff. In other news, the Earth revolves around the sun and fire is hot.

    I think I had a toy car that looked like that.

    @Rust-MyEnemy: Yeah, check out that fancy script! I'm a classy guy, my car is front wheel drive!

    @Dallifornia: At least it wasn't the Subaru Darfur GXL or something.

    Aww, that baby is cute. And he's probably 16.

    James May just had an aneurysm.

    Damn, that's one car that didn't live to see 88mph.

    There's got to be a catch. Does it cause cancer or testicular swelling or something?

    I honestly don't care about Pontiac any more, to think about it - the Commodore could easily be adapted to Buick or Chevy (even as the next Impala...drool), while the Solstice is really the only thing I'll miss, but its parts support shoudln't be a problem since it's a parts-bin car anyway, and its rarity will help

    Does it give handjobs too?

    See, the thing with viral videos that marketers don't understand is, they need to be short as hell and cut to the chase immediately. The people who produce these still think they're trying to tell a narrative, but it's the money shot that makes them popular.

    Lada vs. Morris Marina.

    @jbh11126: And today, Chrysler and Pontiac have taken up the fight where these vanquished warriors fell!

    @joshman misses preview: Also, because Bruce is the manliest name ever and I will be naming my children Bruce without any form of irony.