The only good print magazine is Top Gear Magazine, and even that necessitates a trek to Barnes and Noble every month.
The only good print magazine is Top Gear Magazine, and even that necessitates a trek to Barnes and Noble every month.
@smokin88lx: Central Mass, REPRESENT!
Rear-facing air horns? Why didn't I think of that for my mom's Civic coupe?
Wow. Looking at that picture of Jenna only makes me realize how much cuter the other one is.
It's still ugly as hell.
Meh, it doesn't look that bad. Even though it'll be covered in lead paint, the dashboard will be tainted melamine, it'll crumple like a Coke can, they forgot to take the Toyota badges off the plagarized interior, the Commie pigs will execute Western dissidents in it, there's a button that lets you set Tibet monks on…
@A promenading performer: "The rear muffler was starting to sag so I secured it to the bumper with a couple of 'Free Tibet' stickers..."
@JCWhitless - I'm totally Re-Starded: As people to be pitied and given spare change to?
I think this makes her the most Jalop person ever.
@jodark: Rush makes his own jokes.
@engineerd is functionally ЯetardeD: At least that's one benefit of the recession: the unemployed will have more time to come up with COTDs like this.
Of all the hangover cures out there, this probably isn't the best one.
When I was working for Meals on Wheels I had to drive somewhere with a kindly old lady and her brand-new 2005 LeSabre, blue with a tan carriage top, gold trim and gold wire hubcaps. We set out at a leisurely pace. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said.
To quote Stephen Colbert, "I know I'm white cuz I dance with my thumbs out!"
In other news, Toyota has announced that the vaunted Supra will return as a Venza-based crossover coupe utilizing the environmentally-unfriendly Hybrid Synergy Drive system.
@dankicksass: Too long, didn't read, but I imagine the gist of it is:
@bpapa9013: You'll also need lots of feminine vaginal cleansing products. Don't forget those; you rarely see a Mustang without a handful of those.
@cchannel: Burgers? All I see is a couple of melons.
@.357: The BMW sushi is really expensive and only ordered by posers who don't know anything about sushi. The Subaru one looks inedible but is delicious. The Mercedes sushi is well-presented but falls apart pretty easily, making a mess all over your plate. The Mitsubishi one will walk all over your tongue. Girls love…