@the artist formerly known as dolo54: Have an Asian dude say it?
@the artist formerly known as dolo54: Have an Asian dude say it?
Here's another one: the Citroen DS. Instead of an air-cooled flat six that Citroen had developed, they blew all of their money on the trick hydroelastic suspension and ended up shoving the relatively ancient Traction Avant engine in there instead - with (oh noes!) redneck Amurrican pushrods, as a matter of fact.
@wrx-tyrannosaurusWrx: The Delorean was originally planned to have a rotary engine...from Citroen, as a matter of fact. That idea got nicked because of fuel-efficiency concerns. Sound familiar, I suppose?
I'm waiting for somebody to say "any Mazda rotary," just to annoy people.
@engineerd is functionally ЯetardeD: Guinness...it's not just for EVERY WAKING HOUR OF THE DAY anymore.
Funny, this has been a tradition for me and my roommate for two semesters now. I just came back from the store with my token six-pack of Guinness and a bottle of Jameson, waiting for him to splurge on the Bailey's.
Damn kids, get a job! Why, when I was Kristján's age I was already pulling 5 shifts at the local Chick-fil-A! I had to walk 15 miles uphill in the snow to get to work! At night! With paper bags for shoes! You kids got it too easy, with your rock n' roll music and your portable telephones and your Interwebs.
Sweet, a Camaro post that is actually awesome.
OnStar, for when your kid gets past the bright warning labels, Poison Control hotline, 911, local fire and ambulance personnel, emergency rooms, and you just HAVE to talk to somebody, anybody!
@aSoundofSleep did not have a semi crash into his hotel: I've never used one, but the nav system seems pretty handy. Especially considering I get lost all the time but nobody's thoughtfully bought me a GPS system yet (also, I'm broke as shit).
What's with the blurry hipster douchebag looming in the first picture? Is this like Ghost Hunters or something?
90 in a Hyundai Elantra through the rutted back roads of upstate NY...on my way to fight a speeding ticket.
@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: It's like that Home Improvement episode where Tim finds his first car, a Corvair convertible, then after a series of lengthy shenanigans makes it to the junkyard...just in time to see it fall into the arms of the Crusher.
Wow, that's so deep. Really speaks to the human condition.
@WilliamG.: My dream: to someday wear a fedora without being looked at as a hipster douchebag wearing his grandpa's clothes because it's IRONIC!.
Big deal. I want to see that money in pennies.
Bah. When I was in Scouting (Eagle Scout, and damn proud of it) we would haul our asses in my friend's two-tone dark green 1998 Chevy Astro. A real man's van right there. We would attach a mile-long flatbed trailer to that back that let us carry 22 bicycles, then put it in 4WD the next month and haul ass up Mt. Snow…
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Zombies don't respond well to electricity, though. Fire, on the other hand...we should be asking Ford instead.
@Adam Relayson: Better lock up your doors and hide your women, Ray Wert's coming for YOU next!
@Deartháir now campaigns for leavethegun - takethecannoli: What about all your straight friends raving about Malin Akerman's boobs?