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    Racing seats? In a Bentley?

    "The Unimog: Because God can only put out so many burning bushes."

    @engineerd: We've had a lot of laughs tonight. But I'll tell you what's not funny - killing strippers. Strippers are people, too. Naked people, who may be willing to pleasure you for a price you negotiate later behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there's no need to kill them. Because most of them are already

    Bob Ross is DEAD?!

    Personally, I don't know why Putin doesn't drive one of these bad asses around.

    @Ford Tempo Fanatic: You love your Ford Tempo and you live in Alaska? I think we now know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.

    @Unevol-WINTERGUESSINGGAME!!!: You guys are boring. Whatever happened to, "it just looks cool," powersliding around like that instead of single-mindedly trying to set a fast lap time?

    @number9ine: I'll be honest, I don't get it :(

    Regarding Beetles: when I was a kid, I saw The Love Bug on TV, the made-for-TV Disney version from 1997. That movie actually managed to give me the heebie-jeebies (that's right bitches, I said "heebie-jeebies!"), primarily because of the evil Love Bug, Horace the Hate Bug.

    Hey, looks like my friend's '77 that he and his 2 brothers are currently restoring. Theirs has an L88 and is a painted baby-diarrhea cream, which is a rare color I'm told. But theirs has a SPOILER!!! Also, they took 2 months to remove the suspension and exhaust because it was rusted to the consistency of sponge cake.

    And just when we thought we were getting back Murilee on the weekends, he goes and disappears into hell on all of us.

    Disturbing Mental Image of the Week Award: Vanity Fair's Stick Shift

    @mikedrawcar: I agree that it's not Wired, but the guy really doesn't have a better solution other than people riding bicycles.

    See, it's not so much that Wired hates cars, it's that Papandreou douche who has a valid point regarding modern city congestion and the wasted space within cities devoted to off-street parking, parking garages, parking lots, and the like; unfortunately, he hasn't come up with any better solution other than the

    Are they considered celebrities if I've never heard of them?