
Just say that daddy works hard so that his family can afford fitted caps. Or are we talking about the cousins on the grass? Please be clearer.

Are you sure it was MSG? Glutamates are naturally occuring and can be found in just about everything, including tomatoes, mushrooms and parmesan.
As far as I'm aware, there have been no documented negative physiological reactions to MSG that weren't psychosomatic.

Cranes (how do they not fall?)

1. Guy who will eventually be injured

So what you're saying is you don't get it?

So... I'll take it that you don't like your ex very much?

No. Stop the trend of making hamburgers not only taller than it is wide but also taller than any human being not involved in either circus sideshows or the adult film industry could possibly fit into their mouth. This, thing, is meant to be eaten with a knife and fork. Why else would they put sauce on the top where

Now playing

The hell is with the "Jump" soundtrack and LAWL title card at the end?

Jim I gotta ask ya; Heat, Spurs, OKC?

OMG how do you edit out the best part

Considering Skype doesn't even reliably function 95% of the time, I'd say we're still pretty far off from the robot apocalypse.

Making tasteless jokes in Apples to Apples is so much more fun and satisfying than making tasteless jokes in Cards Against Humanity. My best offensive Apples to Apples moment was "Touchy-feely: Helen Keller" but I bet a lot of you can top that!

I kind of like it, sue me

I like this and this article probably devolved into senselessness for me sooner than intended due to the over and increasingly nonsensical use of the word "hack".

Exactly! People can use the words "studies show" and spout any bullshit they can think of to make themselves seem educated and informed in a conversation. I Googled traffic accidents and Ethiopia. I don't think their system is working.

Yeah, I'm not really buying everyone's "efficiency of chaos" fairytale. I would say that getting from point A to point B in Europe or North America would be way safer and quicker than in Ethiopia. Or China.

Yes but having the same 3 pt FG% can't be debated. The 3 pt line is the 3 pt line. Crawford also comes off the bench and get's to catch passes from Chris Paul.

You can disable them easily enough with a client-side trick. Simply divert your eyes upward to the article. ;-)