
The music on the record isn't sacred. Musicians change up their songs all the time when doing live performances.

The music is produced to play well on iPod earbuds which is why people think they sound good.

Victorinox Manager is the perfect pocket knife. It fits on your keychain, has all the important tools you need and nothing else.

By the time OLED TVs are mainstream, LCD and Plasma TVs will be good enough that it will be hard to tell the difference.

1080i was always an HD standard from the beginning so the step to 1080p is easy especially with flat screen TVs.

No one cares. TVs are already good enough and are relatively inexpensive. It is turning into a commodity market, and manufacturers are just trying to find the latest gimmick to justify overcharging.

The original Droid sucked, unless you enjoy waiting 30 seconds to home screen to draw.

R&D and other expenses matter for income, but they do not affect revenue.

Custom ROMs seem nice at first, but they can turn into bug infested nightmares.

It would look quite awkward actually removing these from you collar to open a beer at a party.

I turned off the accelerated browser settings on the Silk browser and it is now faster without the cloud.

The bugs with the Kindle Fire are minor. The only people who make a big deal about it are tech reviewers who are nitpicking the negatives about the device.

Battery life can be useful information to users, but information like crash reports or network performance aren't useful to consumers, but are valuable to carriers and developers. Having an opt in option will make it so that only a small fraction of users will enable it. Making it transparent more than likely will

You need to collect information from the masses to get the data on which apps that cause users problems.

Google must have knew that Motorola had an ace up its sleeve when they bought them out.

She belongs on the Maury Povich show

Companies who don't want their software pirated support this bill? Shocking...

Because there isn't 20 pieces of bloatware on the device. It is obvious that they changed the policy for the Nexus phone.

Android never had the bounce after scrolling down the end of a list because it is patented by Apple. Samsung implemented it in its phones anyways which Apple is forcing them to change in courts.

Verizon changed its policy because its a pure Google Nexus device.