That’s the thing. Manafort never registered as a foreign agent of Russia which, now with the evidence, is proof of a felony. Should the FBI go after Manafort, the question becomes would he sell out Trump for immunity or plea bargain?
That’s the thing. Manafort never registered as a foreign agent of Russia which, now with the evidence, is proof of a felony. Should the FBI go after Manafort, the question becomes would he sell out Trump for immunity or plea bargain?
Nah, if they keep tugging this thread, Pence is going down too. There’s no way he is clean in this...
way ahead of you
Partially because most of those organizations actually attempt to keep their actions deniable and maintain a low profile...The SEALS don’t give a fuck about that *ahem*Act of Valor*ahem*
It’s always the Model 10-A Hunter...
I would be down too...Got through all of the raid up to phase 2 of the final boss as a 364 hunter. Would really like to finish at some point.
The Vita also has Persona 4 Golden which is just an outstanding game and this is coming from someone who usually can’t stand JRPGs...
This. This is awesome...Is there anyway to get a regular Kotaku group going on this? Because I'll no doubt drop the 20 then...
Dunno, feels like a trap...
Speaking of poorly placed walls, buddy traps the enemy team with zarya’s ult, I have pulse bomb ready, i toss pulse bomb and FOOM instantly blue wall of ice in front of my face. The ice wall pushed half the enemy team out of the black hole and bounced my pulse bomb back into me. Literally the dumbest Mei play I have…
I always thought it would be awesome if they had some way of turning the Khvostov into an Exotic. Something involving turning this old relic into the gunsmith and he gave you back this modernized version...
Warren would be great but I think Franken as VP would also be great...
Where did Mudkip finish? I heard people liked it...
It's worse than that. This means, given a choice, more people wanted a free Bidoof, Zubat, or Magikarp download than an actual starter Pokemon...
Juggalo skin for Roadhog? Chugging a bottle of Faygo for regen? Plz Blizzard, would buy...
Informal poll: All others things kept the same, if Trump promised that he would make Valve release HL3 as president, how much would this affect your decision on who to vote for?
I’m hoping that Disney’s shift to more 3rd party licensing leads to either a) a collaboration with Telltale Games or b) a party-based western rpg by either Bioware or Obsidian. A fan can dream right?
If this was the best possible timeline, we would already have a Western style party-based CRPG based on a shared Disney universe, ideally made by Obsidian or Bioware, but alas...
This is quite possibly the whitest thing I have ever read...