
I guess one reason would be that he’s a blustery dipshit incapable of analyzing a children’s movie, so I’m not really interested in his opinions on heavier topics like Islam

If you think Peterson’s intelligent, I’m sorry to say you’re an idiot. The only people who think he’s smart are the people who can’t understand what he’s saying.

I don’t know, maybe it has to do with him being the staff philosopher of the alt-right? His blatant misunderstanding of what Marxism, postmodernism, and other important philosophical trains of thought? His blatant misogyny and transphobia?

Fans of Jordan Peterson: red pilled losers, tiny dicked losers, never touched a boob losers, scared of girls losers, idiots and morons.

At least we didn’t have the vacuum filled by a bunch of CIA-trained mujahedeen warlords leftover from Afghanistan. Imagine how stupid we’d feel if that had happened?

I mean she considers Iraq a success because we removed Saddam; the rest (i.e., a failed state brought about by a power vacuum) is just ancillary.

I dare you to find me someone more self-righteous and dead inside than a higher education administrator. At least the vampire capitalists are honest about their intentions.

Add Texas to that list and I think it is complete.

Just my take, but I disagree with the statement that Charlotte is one of the more boring tracks in NASCAR.

Wouldn’t help much, as speed increases so does downforce and the positive effects of it. The reason NASCAR and any racing series has issues with inability to pass is speed. Slow the cars down and the benefits of downforce is reduced. That’s why short tracks allow closer racing, reduced speeds where the downforce

I’ve always wondered what the Republican response to their ultra laissez-faire economics would be, and now I know. Prayer’s not gonna cut it for me, sorry.

This is what you get when you freak out about gas prices instead of working on solutions for not using gas. This is what you get when you push your economy into an

In a related story, the entire Fox News staff has been let go for their lack of decent coverage of Donald Trump.

This^. The additional load of electric equipment powered off the engine’s (police upgraded) alternator, at idle, does not tax the (police upgraded) cooling system.

This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re

Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.

An angry Baylor fan went up to confront MOB members after the performance. Rice students calmed the situation and walked him to concourse

That is exactly what chip cards are. The number the system gets from the chip is nothing like your credit card number, and changes every time. Same thing with Apple/Android payment.

Pardon me, sir or ma’am, but you seem to have left your tin foil hat at home today.