It’s a statewide election - and Georgia has recently proven they can make the right choices.
It’s a statewide election - and Georgia has recently proven they can make the right choices.
Russian courts - much like the Russian government - are not concerned with actual facts in any court cases.
The radical religious right really wants to jump into everyone’s bed and police your activities.
So where is the list of Johns who were ordering and paying for underage girls to rape ?
Failures love company ?
Yes Milo is a professional troll - so it only makes perfect sense that MTG - who is a devout cultist of the world’s biggest troll ever - DJT - would hire him ..
It may be good entertainment - but in the larger scope of truly great, memorable films made over many decades - its basically a 2+ hour long Cialis advertisement ..
fahrvergnügen ..
Drivers will do things on the roads that they would not do in person in a supermarket line - like cut you off - nearly causing a major wreck - and flipping you off in the process ..
Even when fans & listeners get the words correct - they still tend to interpret them wrongly in many cases. In other cases the lyrics are just nonsense to begin with - Mick Jagger even said so about many Stones tracks - and many other artists have as well.
You have to give the squirrels some credit - they are amazingly persistent - and quite smart. And they are pretty darn cute - but as cute as the squirrels are - chipmunks are just impossibly cute.
True - but you can get less than what you’re paying for.
Move to a location offering full fiber optic internet service - cause its a good bet they won’t be moving to where you are anytime soon.
Don’t eat a lot of red meat - but I can make a far superior cheese steak at home than any dirty shack in Philly has ever produced. That said - there are still some cool things to do in that city - south side on the riverfront - go see the SS United States at pier 82 - it was in service until the late 60's and it held s…
Its how change happens - and its a slow process.
Better still - use a stainless steel straw.
Big Bang ? For many Americans - that was just a dumb TV show featuring a bunch of smart nerds.
Now I could be wrong - but I’d guess naked guy in the pic above could probably outrun security guy starting to give chase in the background ..
Good point - its just all the various platforms that entice the dum-dums to post their death defying stunts ( not always defied ) - and various antics - their love lives - political views etc. - the cacophony of dumb makes it a lot harder to hear the sentient life forms.
We also held riotous revolts against disco music - in order to “save” rock & roll. Yes, kind of dumb in its own way - but it underscores the point that not everyone liked ‘Disco Duck’.