
Or, you know, all decent people could just stop using Twitter and leave it for the trolls. Easy fucking peasy.

How can someone that messy still be so boring?

Who would have suspected that trying to turn Twitter into one of those supposed “free speech” social media platforms that only last a few months before cratering, would have been a bad idea? 

A functionally illiterate person’s complaint about a book she admitted she didn’t (more like COULDN’T) read merited the blacklisting of the writings of a Harvard graduate.

I’ve never understood playing the national anthem at any & every sporting event. If Team USA isn’t playing, then neither should the national anthem.

How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?

Yes, pointing out that people are worshiping false idol, against their own religion, is the problem, not the folks that have lied about everything and sold their souls for a shitty conman.

Jesus? No.
Anti-Christ? Maybe.

“...whether this is an appropriate use of public funds.” Fuck right off. $50 to prevent an unwanted pregnancy vs. the paying much more for food and income assistance when someone who can’t afford a child is forced to have one. Which is “more appropriate?”

I don’t have the energy for nuanced conversations on this topic anymore, so I’ll just say: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! FUCK THIS!!!

I want every Democrat running for office in 2024 to tattoo “ABORTION AND WEED” backwards on their foreheads so they always remember to run on those exact topics when they look in the mirror. Pro abortion, pro pot. Winners across the board.

Stupidity is rocket fuel for fascism.

“Family served in Nazi army” is a +5 poll bump in Florida. 

“It’s a shame. It makes us look foolish. If I didn’t know any better, it’s like the Democrats paid these people off... Let’s make it look like the Republicans can’t govern and don’t deserve any gavels whatsoever. That’s what it makes it look like.”

Elect clowns, get a circus.

He’s so fucking dumb he probably does not know that pronouns are a part of the English language and probably just thinks “it’s some trans shit.” 

Not only is it disgusting, but I think the midterms showed that there’s not really much political benefit to degrading trans people and others in the LGBTQ+ community. So it really is just pure shittiness with these folks (and shame on any ostensible liberal who continues with the “maybe we are moving too fast on

While it hasn’t been 100% perfect, I have found that keeping scratchers and scratching posts around the apartment, especially near the furniture I’d be most upset to have scratched helps a lot. I also keep a slipcover on my couch, which reduced the amount of damage the cats do to it when they do decide to stretch

Haley is not a moderate anything. So called moderate Republicans no longer exist. Anyone who was has retired, left the party or decided not to run again. She has been a full on fascist for quite awhile, and repeats the same hateful, eliminationist rhetoric as her GQP counterparts. 

If it wasn’t so alarming, I would find it kind of hilarious that all these rwnj are supposedly expert-level nuanced constitutional scholars when stuff they like is threatened, but also think that you can deport Warnock (a US citizen) and that Twitter should not be allowed to cancel accounts because of the first