Die - Die - everybody Die !!!
Die - Die - everybody Die !!!
When white men stop insisting that they must be in control of everything and everyone - then maybe they’ll stop getting all the blame for how effed up everything is.
Amazing how conservatives in the UK and the US and are now touting Johnson and Trump as practically the second coming of Thatcher and Reagan - when at best they are only the worst possible versions of those 80's leaders.
Yes - most - if not all Republican Senators will vote to acquit Trump - so they’ll get nowhere near a conviction to remove him - but the Dems in the House & Senate will have done their jobs. They will be on the right side of history.
Jackalope stew - the only fictional food you will ever need.
After this film - and a very disappointing final season of GoT - Hallmark movies could well be where Emilia ends up.
They’ll kick you off for that - maybe even in mid-flight.
How about folks have been sitting in a very cramped seat for maybe a few hours and may need to stretch their legs & back asap ?
For sheer popularity - the list is way off - Beatles - Pink Floyd - Eagles - Led Zep - AC/DC - Elvis Presley - those are the all-time top-selling artists. King Crimson was always a musicians band - especially for jazz-rock lovers.
King Crimson is the one band on this list whose very own mission statement from the start was always to create the least commercial, most inaccessible music possible - so for them to make the top 20 of a”classic rock” ranking list is amusing. Pink Floyd OTOH is easily top 10 - if not top 5 worthy - and omitting The…
To be fair - the disease that has all but killed the Washington football team started 20 years ago with their then new owner Dan Snyder - and it’s mutated over the years into something so horrible and deadly even mosquitoes would die trying to carry it.
Epstein’s body wasn’t even cold yet when Trump started blaming the Clintons. That alone is highly suspicious. One thing Trump does habitually (along with lying) - is projecting - he will always project HIS sins, HIS faults - HIS mistakes etc .. onto his opponents. He’s been doing this for decades.
Trump & Kavanaugh & Moscow Mitch - all poster boys for the ‘white-male-privilege-culture-of-rape’. But make no mistake boys - the backlash is coming.
Here in Connecticut - we have a fairly large dairy industry for a small state - but one small family farm in north central CT stands out. The cows are treated very well - no overcrowding like many of the larger operations - and they’re fed a highly specialized - basically organic diet. We have two nieces adopted from…
Wasn’t she in “Tomi does Harlem Heights” a few years back ? Pretty sure that was her - it’s available on Pornhub.
OK I’m gonna say it - that’s a fat baby.
It was probably in Winkler’s contract by then that he must always wear the leather.
Wow - that booking photo. There you have a real human trash bag - and it’s over-flowing with the sort of foul waste that most landfills are too good for.
Dershowitz buggers little boys.