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    In space - no one can hear you scream - as you poop into a bag - with the additional mystery and indignity of doing it in zero gravity.

    It could be fake jizz ( I really want to believe it is ) - some liquid soaps - shampoos - conditioners etc.. look an awful lot like it.   Even some foods - potato soup.

    There goes Hucky Boo Boo !! Back to the bowels of Arkansas to parlay her White House gig into becoming governor of a state that consistently ranks among the worst in the nation for education - and several other worsts. But the poor Arkansans haven’t seen the worst of it yet !!  Praise Jeeezzuss !!!

    There goes Hucky Boo Boo !! Back to the bowels of Arkansas to parlay her White House gig into becoming governor of a state that consistently ranks among the worst in the nation for education - and several other worsts. But they haven’t seen the worst of it yet.   Praise Jeeeezzuss !!!

    I always enjoyed ‘Seinfeld’ - but I know a few folks who did not - and mostly they just didn’t like Jerry Seinfeld.  The show made no secret of the fact he was not an actor - and came from the world of stand-up comedy - which is difficult to do well - and Jerry (still) does it - and mostly without profanity - which

    We’ve been hearing the whining about so-called “political correctness” for a long time now - and while there are undoubtedly some who are overly-sensitive and too easily outraged - it seems many of those ‘outraged’ about what they see as a pervasive PC culture - often can’t seem to distinguish between “political”

    No matter how Trump is dressed - it seems like his tailor is playing a cruel trick on him.

    throw a milkshake at him ? better still - drop a few cows on top of him.

    the Night King returns - kills & turns her last dragon - who then kills everyone - Night king takes the throne - pops open a cold (VERY cold ) Bud Light (to fulfill his endorsement deal ) - grins - fade out .. series ends.

    I find working at home Friday - then taking a vacation or sick day Monday really makes the weekend seem much longer.

    So whatever the Dem vs. Repub bullet or body count is - do you excuse what Trump is doing ? Do you see the pattern here - that Trump routinely attacks POC and especially women ? Do you see how this sort of escalating rhetoric could put many lives at risk ?  It could even go beyond your ability to keep accurate

    Democrats won the election 6 months ago with healthcare being the primary issue. Polls have shown that a strong majority of Americans (as high as 70% ) would support “Medicare for all”. So what is Nancy’s strategy to repeat victory next year for the Democrats ? Keep asking nicely for Trump to stop stonewalling on

    Kind of like Trump - for decades he mostly supported Democrats - donated to their campaigns - he even defended Bill Clinton during his troubles in the late 90's ( go figure - Trump defending a guy in power cheating on his wife with young subordinates ) - but when it came to running for POTUS - Trump knew that becoming

    Meanwhile - Barr and Trump - and many on the right don’t even think the Mueller report needs to be released at all - so Trump himself summarized it - and part of it was leaked ...

    The Dems can afford to remain calm with 19 months before election. Team Trump is already over-playing their “win” on the Mueller-Barr report - and chances are very good that in 16 months most Americans will still not be getting pay raises as healthcare costs (and ALL costs of living ) keep going up - the debt is 22

    Depends on the body of water - if you’re in shark infested waters you may need your pants to tie around the shark’s snout. If Quint had thought of this then all 3 hands on the Orca might have survived.  

    Most professional workplaces have fairly straightforward policies prohibiting ANY employee from disclosing their salary and any other aspects of their monetary compensation to ANY other employees.

    Clearly - the pink salt is a necessity for use on the rim of your glass of Pink Lemonade Margarita.

    The Democrats simply cannot negotiate with this terrorist president who is holding the government shutdown as hostage while he tries to dictate how much - and for what projects Congress approves for domestic spending.

    It’s time for Bob Mueller and the House to lay out the complete case against Trump - the obstruction of justice - the abuse of power - lying to Congress and the FBI - Emoluments clause violations etc .. - its time for the treasonous tangerine toilet-tweeting toddler to be forced out of office.