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    Marie Kondo is going to crash the U.S. economy. As consumerist - materialistic Americans are reformed - they won’t replace all that junk - and all their old stuff that ends up in thrift stores - on eBay - craigslist etc .. will be sifted through for years by the ones still addicted to buying stuff they don’t really

    Just as the test results show - the forces endured in many accidents might bend steel rims - but alloys are are more likely to crack and break apart. Steel rims also tend to balance up better - but that can depend on the tires as much as the rims. Tires alone can be out-of-round - just as the rims can be.

    Don’t recall if I saw avocado that big at a all-inclusive resort just south of Cancún some years back - but they had a huge buffet table with fresh fruits - and a bunch of limes which was no shock - but no lemons - not a single lemon for me to put some in my tea. Just thought that was a bit odd - but only time we felt

    Hatred and ignorance are bestowed upon young people by those who raise them - parents - grand-parents - uncles - aunts etc - even teachers - coaches etc ... - but also ‘friends’ they may spend too much time with - who learned to hate from their elders. 

    Washington’s general manager Bruce Allen still won’t give Kaepernick the time of day.  Only one owner in the league is capable of making Cowboy’s owner Jerry Jones not the worst owner in the NFL and that’s Dan Snyder in Washington - who is still a fairly young man and has owned the team for nearly 20 years now - and

    She was sick of all his lion.

    The late, great Tom Petty once said about suddenly getting very rich - “you have to hire a lawyer to look after your vast wealth - then you have to hire a 2nd lawyer to keep an eye on the first lawyer - then you have to hire a 3rd lawyer to watch the 2nd one .. etc, etc ..

    For us older rockers - she’s probably most famous for mispronouncing David Bowie’s last name at an awards show some years back.  Bowie was a very good sport about it.

    Love the Cyclone GT. Friend in high school was very into old Mustangs - but he got a couple of the Cyclones - (one for spare parts ) think they were the ‘71 model - but very similar. 351 Cleveland motor if I recall - and yes that nose was intimidating ! Those things were beasts !!

    If in fact there is another truly credible accuser against Kavanaugh - and they want to be taken seriously by all concerned - it’s probably best if they choose somebody other than Michael Avenatti to be their advocate.

    Tommy Larry really needs to stick with what she knows.  There must be a wet t-shirt contest somewhere in Cancún she can play celebrity judge for.

    Watch as Trump demands - and Congress delivers some extraordinarily enormous ‘emergency’ spending package - because FEMA has been understaffed and had its budgets slashed - or its money stolen outright for other Trump / GOP ‘priorities’.

    Had the U.S. not used the atomic bombs - would the war have dragged on ? Some historians say the surrender still would have happened fairly soon - but would have been a surrender to both U.S. and Soviet forces - as the Red army was massing on the USSR’s extreme eastern edge - very close to Japan. The Japanese military

    Seems nobody is beyond redemption so long as enough punishment is thought to have been dealt to the offender. Why even Trump himself after serving a short Federal prison term could very well become the next mayor of Moscow.

    Poor Tommy Lorin - is her name really that hard to say or spell ?

    I recommend real cranberry lube - available at fine adult shops & Amazon.

    Really should have been a bit more on wealth and protecting the status quo as it relates to our current POTUS. If you recall, DJT ran as a ‘populist’ - promising all sorts of benefits for the downtrodden, middle-America Rustbelt masses who gave him a victory over the swampy, crooked, elitist, evil green witch and

    I did IT support for the company that makes Cipro - ‘Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals’ - back when they operated a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in West Haven Connecticut. Just after 9/11/2001 - when the anthrax attacks were happening - ours was the only plant making Cipro - so we had the local cops - the CT

    If it makes you feel any better - in my 40+ years of working all sorts of jobs (now in IT support for a major health insurance provider ) I firmly believe the vast majority of people do not like (and many even ‘hate’) their jobs (or even their ‘careers’) - I’ve known doctors & lawyers who were miserable - as well as

    Dylan has such a large amount of output - (and he should since he went pro in the early 60's) - there is so much that is just awful - but clearly some very unique brilliance is studded here and there.   And as long as we’re picking on Aerosmith - even in their supposed heyday they were an awful live band - very