“Everyone who wants to vote doesn’t necessarily get to, though.”
“Everyone who wants to vote doesn’t necessarily get to, though.”
Raisins don’t even belong in Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. Replace raisins with small chunks of dark chocolate - problem solved. I also replace about half the cookie batter with natural peanut butter - but I’m crazy that way.
Clearly the water missed her because she didn’t start smoking, steaming and melting on the floor as her winged monkeys looked on in amazement.
I’ve been a life-long Skins fan. I got to see the legendary Vince Lombardi coach the team a year before he died. I still feel lucky to have been there through the team’s glory years in the 80’s - a time when they would have been considered “team of the decade” - if not for that team from SF with a QB named Joe…
Simply gobsmacking that any establishment owner, or manager, or employee , or customers would just shrug this off as harmless - all because the small RIP note below the main sign somehow totally changes it’s meaning or intent - at least for those who knew Teresa Kidwell. I’m sure some of these folks also saw nothing…
Ted is known for a few things - for being a Vietnam draft-dodger (like Trump) - for taking advantage of and seducing underage girls (statutory rape) - for threatening President Obama with a machine gun a few years back - and oh yeah - for a middling career as a rock guitarist who peaked over 40 years ago- and he…
Bolton is eminently qualified - to destabilize the entire Middle East and the Korean peninsula in ways that will cost the U.S. dearly for decades to come.
And 50 to 100 years ago - there were not nearly so many guns & ammo - or loaded weapons - just lying around for kids of the gun owners to grab and go crazy with. There were also no AR-15's for civilians to get - not even close to so many gun dealers - no gun shows ( where ANYTHING goes ) - no NRA feeding the fear…
“in your butt” ? caused by sex on the beach ? ( too much of the act and/or the drink of same name ) - if so I’d think other parts of the anatomy could be vulnerable as well.
Trump is simply desperate for distractions and smoke screens. The walls are closing in.
George Washington would slap the orange clean off Trump’s fat face.
In the face of anything that threatens his delicate mental stability – Trump does any or all of these things - in no particular order;
.. and TTH forgot to use ‘bigly’.
The filthy iggles fans are just the worst. The most vile, no-class, low-life fans the NFL has ever seen. Worse that Raiders fans - even worse than Jets fans - and that’s hard to do.
and poor Jefferson Sessions is afflicted with the awful ‘Jim Crow Syndrome’.
And it’s not a matter of left vs. right — or liberal vs. conservative - or Democrat vs. Republican - it’s a matter of the safety and stability of our nation. The party in power needs to put country first - and soon.
So lip service by the right about “honoring the troops” is all it takes for them to get credit - despite the reality that they routinely shat all over the troops politically and socially at every opportunity ?
They are carbon atoms linked closely together in a lattice structure - so seemingly VERY high in carbs - per serving. Could be rather painful on the way out also.
And he probably pays her to not file for divorce.
“dislike and mistrust of Hillary” — OK if you just don’t like a candidate, but many Trump supporters tried to claim Trump was a solution to Hillary’s ethical and trustworthiness issues and that is just plain absurd. Anyone paying attention knew 6 months ago that Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur liar & crook.