
It must take an amazing mind to support Trump yet proselytize against “lovers of money”.

A friend of mine in diplomatic security pointed out that she is probably wearing a vest, and I’m guessing spanx too, no wonder she felt like crap. I’d like to see Donald survive in spanx. That shit is the modern corset.

Oh boy, Scott Baio’s wife is a class act. I hope she DOES get to speak, it should be entertaining, if IQ lowering.

How the hell can any rational person prefer Trump to lead our country over her?

Oops, sorry, someone already pointed that out.

She I think. The teacher is the female.

Parenting can suck, and parts of it always will, but if you are careful when choosing a partner, the joy outweighs the horrible. I never liked kids, never thought I’d have them, but when I hit 36, my husband and I figured we’d try and whaddyaknow, I got pregnant. Had my son when I was 38, and for the first two years I