
Amen. It's such a bummer. I only have one kid whose parent doesn't stick around. Of course, we invite him most often. The parents who are stayers are almost always single kid families (which is no big deal, so are we. Just observin'). The kid whose mom happily drops him off has three under 5. She's thrilled to offload

Please share these tactics.

I didn't do cry it out, but I am ideologically for it. We just failed. The excuse I give myself is that my kid has asthma and it really does make you anxious. It's easier just to put them in your bed to keep an ear on it. Anyhow, I don't judge any parent for sleep styles or feeding or whatnot. That shit is HARD.

Yeah, that's me. Idiot.

Now you're just teasing me. I'm live in Australia now and, while I could probably find those ingredients, it would be an all-day kind of search.

That's just delightfully descriptive.

Pretty sure Marmite is UK-based. Vegemite is the Aussie version. And I think you have to grow up with it. I can't stand it - just tastes like somebody ground up a b-vitamin and over salted it. But Australians generally hate the taste of root beer (and laugh at the name - root is slang for fuck). It's all what you grew

I just mentally vomited. Durian flavoured condom is a hellish idea. I can't even wrap my head around it. The only thing worse might be Skyline flavoured condoms.

And horseradish is, in fact, my favorite condiment. Thanks for reminding me. Now I want a Bloody Ceasar.

Gives me the shivers.

There's some truth there. I am a hot sauce, sauerkraut, roquefort kind of gal.

Honestly, don't do it. Grew up in Ohio and I like durian way better.

I love goetta. Sadly, my dad loves scrapple, so he often tries to pass off his stinking scrapple as goetta to entice me.

I suppose everyone is entitled to their belief, but you seem to be spectacularly lacking in compassion. Shia gave consent to an art piece, not assault. As NinjaCate said earlier, we really shouldn't have to put up a placard reading "Please Don't Rape the Artist."

Thank you for the link. Very interesting!

I completely agree that he should have been free to live inside the piece, and it was the responsibility of the people designing and organizing the show to protect him at that point of vulnerability. I also think there is something that happens to child actors that teaches them to comply and override their sense of

That's pretty victim-blamey. You certainly wouldn't say the same about a woman who felt intimidated and went along with sex even though she had verbally refused. I think there's something in the fact that he was a child actor, and they are generally not allowed normal boundary setting behaviors. And he was in the

I am not a Shia fan. He has generally behaved like a bratty kid in recent years. But the fact that he stayed inside the piece makes the story more poignant for me. I know so many women who were assaulted because they felt they had to be "good" and "go along" and there is something of that psychology in this. He's an

That was actually a really helpful reply. Thank you. Next time I'm in the UK (I hope sooner rather than later), I'll tip across the board. Wouldn't it be the dream for politicians to set minimum wage at an actual living wage? It's pretty close in Australia. As an American living abroad, I admire that.

You are all kinds of awesome and inspiring.