Who on earth would think waiting ONLY 12 hours after snorting cocaine would be enough time passed to not affect the baby?! Sweet Christ.....
Who on earth would think waiting ONLY 12 hours after snorting cocaine would be enough time passed to not affect the baby?! Sweet Christ.....
Sooo... You go through the effort to breastfeed, but can’t stay off the coke while you’re doing it? Sometimes breastfeeding *isn’t* the healthiest choice for your baby.
That, and not having crepey eye skin because you’re fast approaching middle age.
Since that’s Wilt, the answer is “yes.”
NO! Nothing in this world is as bad a fucking “Calliou.” I will watch endless hours of “Daniel Tiger” before I even fathom watching “Calliou.” It’s a little known fact that “Calliou” is used in secret CIA prisons as an interrogation method so cruel that the Hague has come knocking.
Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.
I saw this Saturday and thought they got the right wing frothing down pat. I loved the mention of evil doers and the way they printed Obamas middle name in all caps.
shoutout to lil bitches
maybe not THE best joke to make about a jewish baby
Pfft. Pippin is the best hobbit. Saved Faramir and smokes the most pipeweed. Best. Hobbit.
In fact, commenters are content providers at Gawker. Gawker is more a discussion board then anything else.
I'm more concerned with her apparent case of glitter herpes. Who decided that was a good look?
Lately I’ve been thinking that we’re moving faster and faster towards both Oryx and Crake and The Handmaid’s Tale. Margaret Atwood is an oracle
It’s amazing how easy it is for people to believe they wouldn’t be missed, no matter how far that may be from the truth.
It gave me chills and tears in my eyes. I have been struggling lately even though everything in my life is totally awesome.
“You have value. You have worth. You are loved.”
The entire obituary is worth reading in full:
I am of the opinion only someone kissing, hugging, or on the rush hour subway next to you should be able to smell your perfume