
I spent years wishing he'd said "hi." He was a sunny sweet thing.

Well damn, now I gotta tell my Paul Rudd story. Back in the day - waaay back in the day, mid 90s it had to be, because I was living in the West Village, Paul Rudd and I must have lived in the same hood. One Saturday we were in a market/big bodega and he followed me around the store grinning and looking precious. He

You really struck something in me with this comment. It's what I love and hate about my homeland. I don't live in America right now and I desperately miss that mad optimism sometimes. It's what put people on the moon. But the flip is that we all know the verdict and yet we stay up all night waiting. Or that the very

Out of curiosity, what it a normal tip in the UK? I haven't been there for years. I think I probably would only tip in a really nice restaurant, and then 20%, but that's just my default setting. In Australia, where people can get pretty annoyed if you tip, I tip 10%. That's the least I can tip without feeling awful,

When I was a kid we took my great grandmother out to lunch every week. She refused to order from the seniors menu because she insisted that they just scraped the food leftovers onto new plates and served it to the seniors. We used to crack up laughing behind her back about it, but maybe the old dame had a point!

I think about the "I save bread" guy often. I might make a t-shirt.

Twinkly is the perfect word. He has a gleefulness about him that is delightful to watch.

It just makes me want to cry. Hey Lemon, no good choices here. Got it?

Thank you. It's okay. I really think I did the best I could in a shitty situation and I suppose over the years, I feel empowered that I used my wits to get through it without getting more messed up.

Think about all the martyrdom stories of the female Catholic saints. Half of them were killed resisting rape. Look into Saint Maria Goretti. It's maddening. The whole culture believes we should die rather than submit.

Thank you. It's the weirdest thing. I have seen men size other men up and think "nah, too big, not my fight" when deciding whether to get involved with a big drunk bully, for example. But they seem incapable of understanding that the same logic applies for us. We end up held down, hands on throats (in my case), by

God, I am so sorry. I've been there too, but I didn't have my son at the time. If my rapist brought him into it, I'd lose my mind with fear. You are still here and you are amazing.

I have never heard anyone else talk about this record ever. And it was my constant listen for a long long while. Wow.

I was a WLA "Land Girl" for Halloween this year. Fave costume in a long time.

She's kinda the "crazy like a fox" type. But she's mine and I love her.

This is a beautiful description of something inescapably true.

My mom told me when I was little that if someone offers to do something to help you out, forget about whether you think it's the wrong or right way and just be happy you don't have to do it. I have applied this generously throughout my life and I am a lazier, happier person for it.

I was too. We waited till we had enough money for a babysitter twice a week (9 years of marriage - I didn't want kids and he changed his mind). She stays overnight so we can goof around and watch tv and be lazy one night, and go out another. Keeps us like we were before. Not an option for everyone. But if you can

I moved away from NYC about 7 years ago and every time I get back to the city, I turn the tv on first thing to make sure he's still there. He's my constant. He's been there for me since 1999.

I have a kid and I find this kind of thinking ridiculous. Trust parents and carers to notice shady loners but let Grandpa and Lady DoubleDachshunds have their time in the park like anybody else. I used to go to the Natural History Museum, to the kids' zone where you can touch everything, before I had my son. It was