Bryan Price

Personally, I just go to to pick an SSID name :]

Yes. And I'm answering this seriously even though it was rhetorical. (I know this stuff intimately, so to speak. I had a bi-lateral lung transplant 4 and a half years ago and I have degrees in medical ethics.) On the receiving side of the transplant, when you go through the consent process, there is a "socially high

My vision is this bad. I put my glasses in set places when I take them off so only times I can't find them is if someone moves them or they fall. I do swim with my glasses on though, sometimes will sleep in them, but do take them off for showers. This cell phone camera technique is so simple, but something I really

I'm so sick of some people, (my Mother-in-law), saying they can't see anything without glasses then proceed to loose them ten times a day. I cannot see 1 foot in front of my face. I CANNOT see nor function without my glasses and, as Bryan Price says, they don't come off unless showering, sleeping or etc. This is great

Doesnt like Japanese cars she says they are pieces of shit.

Yeah, no Ultraedit or Kate on this list... really a shame. Just like most of the rest of their 'top 5' list, if it isn't free, it isn't worthy of consideration.

UltraEdit. Great column selecting/deleting/replacing mode.

If you're not sure what we mean, just check out the nominations by our writers below. We'll give you a head start, and they should all be in the proper format, so you can just follow our lead.

Derek Jeter promptly quits team

Oh ok, I just had this bookmarked a while back, thought it might help.

I would add shutdown to that list. Specially on a remote desktop, shutdown can quickly turn off (with the -s option) or reboot (with the -r option) a computer.

The PSTools and entire Sysinternals Suite have great features. From PSInfo to PSPing, you can get really useful data from these tools. Check them out.

This is sooo 1999 ;-) You should really check out Powershell (Google It)

If I take my glasses off for sleeping and knock them off my nightstand, I am instantly afraid I will step on them when I get out of bed. There's no need to mock people like me who don't want to step on a piece of expensive equipment because we can't see far enough to avoid that. I think this is a great tip.

Some Dogs Go To Colorado

Not animated, but I love this photo:

Neville Longbottom appreciating thread!!!