Asus RT-N56U. It's good and it's cheap.
Asus RT-N56U. It's good and it's cheap.
I got the opportunity to try this router, and eventually settled on the cheaper ($100) RT-N65U. Adam's right, the hardware and software features on these ASUS routers are mind-boggling. I got this one specifically because it can borrow a wireless broadband connection from a USB device like a smartphone or hotspot and…
A Wi-Fi router is at the center of most people's home networks, but not every router is a good one. It's been a…
I use a Power Meter by Power Practical. It's a small USB passthrough device that tells you how much power is currently being drawn by the device connected to it. That's how I learned that some of my cables were charging at a watt less than others. It's surprisingly useful since I can check new cables as soon as I get…
Best would be buying it a year to 18 months old and then driving it to the junkyard.
I would also like to add: the pinch-and-release method has worked mostly wonderfully for me. Simply put, if you pinch the clasp area so that the two ends get closer together, the slack will often cause them to fall off. Here's a video of Zac Efron demonstrating this maneuver. 70% of the time it works every time.
"He deserved my scorn, but doesn't deserve it from everyone else."
"I don't usually share drama on social media"
This is one way to look at it, and it's clearly true that most people spend too much money on their cars.
Yup. And I'm an introvert and a bad liar, yet I drew it in the "extrovert" way.
Some of us introverts draw Qs on our heads so other people can read 'em because we are smart enough to figure out that the only way the Q is going to be seen is by other people. Or in a mirror.
It's 16 if you ask MTV...
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
Ibragimova is described as having a 10 centimeter scar across the left cheek, a pronounced limp, and a stiff left arm that doesn't bend at the elbow.
Ubuntu on laptop as dual-boot isn't ridiculous. It also makes programming in C easier to step into.
Sounds like my Dad when I was younger.
Why not, go to any hareware or home improvements store in the northern states and you see lots of aluminum snow rakes for sale during the winter months.
Yep. I suspect I may have made a typo. :)
I'm a Christian in Louisiana, who happens to be a Libertarian. But I seriously want to open a Buddhist school to just piss off all of the bigots that give Christianity a bad name.