Bryan Price

Except that if you look at the actuarial reasons we're living longer, if you make it to 55, you're not really living that much longer today than you were 50 years or even 100 years ago.

@blackeyedgurl: Yeah, even the scar on one finger was completely missing/flat. But I haven't had it happen to me in decades now.

Nobody else got it, and the doctor said it wasn't infectious. Although I still don't know to this day that the doctor was right. It was very weird.

Is anybody else noticing that even in the VIP feed, Gawker is now chopping out 3/4 of the post?

When I was a teenager, my fingers would peel, and I would have no fingerprints. According to the doctor, it was a fungus infection, there was nothing I could do about it. Every year for five years after that, I'd be fingerprintless. But I have them now. Who knows.

I guess it depends on what you grew up with, but I find grass fed beef to not have the taste of the grain fed that I was raised on.

There's the Start Google Plus extension, but I haven't found it yet. They mention it, but they don't put a link up?

Thanks. I missed that the first time around.

Vote: Palm TX

I want a retractable one. I suppose buying a few of those mini to micro adapters might be the way to go actually. But this way you can't lose the adapter.

My name use to point to my blog as the first result in Google. Then that damn baseball pitching coach had to get in the way. Now, he's below me, and it's that pitcher from the Reds that beats me. I have my handle/login name, but I also own, so that's not really anonymous.

FB only posts the subject of the email using the mobile address. I've even tried to leave a blank subject just to see if I could get it to post the body instead. FB ignored it.

Using the mobile address to email to isn't even close to being a solution. Facebook only posts the subject of the email, NOT the body, and Gmail truncates the subject.

They have yet to find their daughter yet.

Maybe it's just me, but I was getting a Blair Witch Project vibe from this.

This is a total crap way to do this. The update is fast enough for me, but it ONLY posts the subject of the email, not the body, so if it's of any length, it gets cut off. And of course, links aren't going to work either.

Same here. This is a fail right now.

Well, my Palm III E still works, as long as I put batteries in it and actually sync the thing. :-p

I guess I SHOULD be sharpening my blade every time I use it. Here in Florida where it's more sand than what I would call soil, one mowing will do the damage of a year's worth of use in other states.

Yep, I hate that too. Then again, I hated the original 102 key keyboard. I was really into the function keys on the left side, but I've changed programs (probably multiple times now) that I don't seem to be using the function keys that much. No more WordPerfect, Norton Editor, no more command line editing (they