Bryan Price

I find nothing wrong with the MS 4000 KB. But then, I owned the original white MS ergonomic keyboard, which then got replaced by an OEM black one (one of those traveling computer stores that you don't see anymore), and when the escape key on that quit working I went with the Internet Pro version, probably two of

Except that the native Windows Backup doesn't even start to work when you've managed to move your profile like I have. And their "community" support is filled with such stupid f—ks that think they even have a clue as to what is happening, when they don't, just because they are MVPs doesn't make them instantly right,

My current requirements are WiFi, double sided, and print on disk media. My Epson Artisan 800 manages to do that well, including some limited scanning. But the next time, I'll be looking at a better output tray (the cats have stepped on this one and broken it, it works, but...), a manual input is about a must too

Don't have an Android (yet), but being a Palm owner for decades (still rocking a TX), but I probably would just go with Graffiti.

If I just downloaded something, it always appears under my Recent Documents on my Start menu. But then, I do have that turned on. For just that reason.

I've only run into one problem with MSE, and that was that it seemed to be extremely curious about what Digsby was doing. And yes, it was using a full core to keep doing what it was doing. But I put the digsby-app.exe in the ignored process list, and I haven't had a hiccup since. I would put the WMP in the ignored

A naked women in Arctic waters? She's got seconds to live.

80mg of Lasix/furosemide is a bit much for one dose. Best to take two 40mg doses six hours apart (which is how long the drug lasts — get it? La-six!) You should also be eating a potassium pill with it as well, slow release OTC if not the K-Dur. And be sure to drink enough water! It WILL suck the water right out

My local hospital has been pushing something like this. Trouble is, I tried it since I thought I might have to take my daughter in. Half an hour later, I get a text telling me the wait will be an hour and a half. So I waited 1/3 of the possible time waiting to get something back?

My mind. What very little remains right now...

Well, one is something that doesn't seem to be based on something before, and the other is something that's been out there for decades. I think it made sense for Super 8 to keep some of the secrets close to the vest. GL might have a few surprises, but most of the story, everybody knows the story anyway.

I've got the complete Season 5 on Video on Demand. That's how I got caught up.

I like the shortcut URL for, which was what I thought the was, but now I see it's different. It does appear to be a clone of downforeveryone... though.

It currently isn't resolving.

Depends. I would say if it's a hardlink, one change is going to affect all the documents. But unlink junctions/symlinks, you can delete the hardlinks in any order, and up and until you delete the last hardlink, you always have the file, unlike a junction where you might accidentally delete the source for the

Softpedia has the portable version.

Still waiting for the gold pressed Latinum cover.

Some virtual desktops work differently. I just fired up Desktops from Sysinternals (probably need to see if there's an update), and it gives me blank screens, no gadgets. It also turns off the Aero interface on that virtual desktop. :( I've got multiple screens, so I quiet using it.

If the rumors are true that Amy's baby is name Melody, I can't seem them trying to ignore that connection, so we really do find out who River is. I also wouldn't be too surprised if it ends up that River killed the Doctor as well. :(

But it did have the latest (and most shocking for me...) But I won't spoil it for those who are behind in this season's Doctor Who shows.