
Well, this looks more exciting than the trailers. Could be a fun movie yet.

You mean this kind of stuff isn't common in the field of achaeology?

My main problem with First Class was that it conveniently wrapped up everything in the end, to bring all the characters to the exact place they needed to be to fit with the place they were in Singer's first movie, without any real character development needing to happen to bridge the two, apart from aging.

I liked Quantum of Solace. I found it refreshing to see things having consequences and carrying over into the next Bond film, instead of everything being hit by the almighty reset button between every movie. And I liked the serious, less playful tone.

I think a couple of these books took Io9 with storm, more so than the world. The most notable example being The Windup Girl.

[removed double post]

"oh, and...who're the hotties gonna be?"

I'm not feeling it.

I dunno, I didn't care for it. It just seemed like a straight up spoof episode, like a bad internet mash up you'd see on youtube.

I think Stephanie Meyer is the one author anyone can ridicule in good conscience, regardless of how ridiculous one's own track record has become.

The season that replaced Mulder as leading man was season 8, not 9.

Or just for basic home defense.

Seems excessive unless the zombies have started wearing kevlar and football helmets.

It's very watchable despite not being very good. Everything in it is superbly eyeroll inducing, from the title and opening sequence to the constant tropes and failed boo! scares, but still I find myself watching it.

I'm a big King fan, but the Dark Tower books aren't really his best work. It's an interesting view of his craft and evolution as seen through the lens of a long life and career, certainly, but the story is a shambling mess.

The crazy puppet Shatner face is weirding me out in a big way.

"A study of social interactivity using pigeon courtship".

It only has one button though. Mac users rejoice.


I'd forgotten that godawful puppet episode of Angel. To me that ranks up there with the Looney Tunes episode of Farscape as the most skippable episode of its show.