The biggest one I had was the Triceratops. Man those things were expensive, even by today's standards.
The biggest one I had was the Triceratops. Man those things were expensive, even by today's standards.
I've never been a huge fan of that show, but I have to admit that scene was pretty funny. The minutely detailed hour-long powerpoint presentation won me over.
You don't mention Erythritol, which is the healthiest sweetener out there. Certainly better than the crap listed in this article - I've tried it all.
"Particularly with this prequel, set before Carpenter's, you've got American characters set amongst these Norwegian characters, so you've got a clash of cultures and a language barrier. In Carpenter's version you've got humans versus alien and now you've got extra friction because of the language barrier."
I don't know.
I don't know. Something tells me buying Joss out of his Avengers deal would be costly. I'm guessing he's locked in for sequels depending on its success. And Nathan Fillion is attached to that CSI Moonlighting thing (whose name escapes me), which'll probably run for decades, like every show of its ilk.
If I were a billionaire, I'd buy all the actors and writers out of their current contracts, put them in a room together and say go!, then proceed to become the most popular human being on the face on the planet.
Well aren't you just a negative Nancy.
That's crazy talk, that is.
Horrifying? That looks like an awesome family movie. Unlike the travesty that is the actual Smurfs.
Unlike the incongruous Star Wars changes, I'd actually be fine with that. Excited even.
So, pardon my ignorance, but exactly what is the mystery here? I mean, the dinosaurs in questions used their mouth and jaws for hunting and eating, and didn't really need arms for much of anything. Wouldn't it make sense for them to evolve away from arm reliance and have them just remain as vestigial mementos?
First impressions are first impressions.
Even good directors can make bad movies.
Judging from the first impressions (and why not?), this looks like it's shaping up to be the Batman and Robin of Nolan's Batman franchise.
Honestly, I was hoping for more. For the next revision, look for Han Solo being digitally replaced by Jar Jar Binks.
You know a franchise has taken a wrong turn when a huge portion of its fanbase is going around, waiting impatiently for its creator to croak.
Also, the retail price in Norway, in USD, is $120.
It's not the TV. Lucas has cranked up the saturation levels to closer match them to the prequel trilogy. It's been mentioned in just about every review.
I've never understood it.