
Speak for yourself.

They were only banned from the last one.

I'm at a loss for words.

Well, I'm done with this line of argument. I should have heeded aLynHall's warning and not wasted my time with fanboys.

"Spare me your condescension. Seriously. Star Wars got me into mythology and thinking about story. That's true of a lot of people. "

Well, when you're five years old, even a happy meal can "change your life." Your personality is still in the early process of forming, and is generally pretty open to any kind of influence, whatever it may be.

"Really? So if my lifelong desire to be a writer started because i saw Star Wars at five, I should "expand my horizons?""

Can't say I liked any of them, but the original did at least have the curtesy not to overstay its welcome. The new one is way too lengthy and dominating, and like all the new additions, adds an out of place CGI element to the movie.

As fun as the movies were before they got messed up, they should not be changing people's lives.

I fucking love Starship Troopers.

Like hell it wasn't.


Can't say that I do, but judging from the above image, I sort of wish I did.

Oh god. Another thing I had managed to wipe from my brain. UNTIL NOW.

I was a proud owner of this bad boy on VHS.

The Thor 3D was terrible. It was all a blur of barely discernible action shots. For me it ruined an otherwise enjoyable movie.

Well, Winter's Bone was great. This on the other hand, has the look of silly about it.

Pretty sure bipedalism evolved from the need to free up our hands for using tools.

Makes me hopeful for the future of advanced prosthetics.

Still...medical advances could return some of the use of the limb to you in the foreseeable future. It's not impossible. So it's a little gutsy to have it removed and replaced.