
Since Nasim is is leaving, they clearly need another woman to play "misc. ethnic" in sketches, too - and they can't just hire another woman of color, that'd be crazy.

"A woman saying yes to a date with a man is literally insane and ill-advised, and the whole species' existence counts on them doing it. I don't know how do women still go out with guys, when you consider the fact that there is no greater threat to women than men? We're the number one threat to women.

Couple things:

I work out like a beast but I screw it up by eating just a little too much of the wrong things. I want to get toned and defined and this really did just motivate me to be better about it. She is awesome.

And here you are, a black unicorn.

Yep. And Greg Hardy for the Carolina Panthers.

God, the amount of people I've deleted ever since the incident happened. The people that are defending his actions, and believe he was completely justified, I can't deal with them, they won't get it... And tonight, I'll probably delete some more people... FUCK.

Here's the thing - I don't see why it matters AT ALL. We all saw the tape of Rice dragging Palmer out of the elevator. What did people think happened? That she slipped? That she pulled out a bat and hit herself with it? That she was faking?

today, in news we all fucking already knew >:(

I thought Tiny Furniture was pretty good. I liked it. Girls, not so much. Flawed characters are great, but I want to like flawed characters in spite of their flaws, not be beaten over the head with how I should like them because of their flaws. It doesn't work that way.

For reals. When I was 16, I was wondering why people kept telling me that I should relate to Holden Caulfield. Guy is an asshole. Now that I'm 30, I have to relate to Lena Dunham? Am I terrible because I relate most to Clueless-era Paul Rudd? I think I'm a Josh.

To all of you witty and intelligent commenters who are still coming up with new and creative Stephen A. Smith jokes, I salute you.

you would not believe how much I hate conflict.

I don't always agree with Keith, but I always respect his fearlessness. And today I agree with him 100%. Bravo.