Frank Burns Eats Worms

My understanding is that Univision’s purchase authorization allows it to purchase Gawker’s assets but not liabilities, and that this is really just a pretty mundane issue of legal interpretation. It would certainly be a much bigger deal if posts made after Univision’s acquisition were being taken down.

Yep. Never won anything.

They’re clearly all suffering from uromysitisis!

No, and neither has Ryan Lochte.

Surveillance footage.

Pretty sure he’d think the Amiga was some sort of reference to mexicans.

Words often take on unexpected meanings which don’t always correspond with their etymology. There was a time when I thought as you do, that it would be less confusing if we used one of the alternatives that you suggested. But ultimately If everybody knows what is meant by a word, then we should have no problem using

I guess taunting the US Men’s team on Twitter is what responsible athletes do?

the surface was, however, deemed perfectly acceptable for the women’s world cup.

I believe you meant Sidney Greenstreet

“Have you ever heard of the Malaysian Chest Implosion torture?”

For this reason alone:

Seems weird an obese guy named “Skeeter” isn’t from Florida already...

Family Circus is beyond awful (except for the maps), but they did give us this:

Now playing

I don’t return fruit. Fruit is a gamble. I know that going in.

Blue Brothers bassist Donald “Duck” Dunn.

Sentient old broccoli or this:

Bloom County in 5th place?!?